Meaning of ákmol



Crustiness, thickness; to thicken, to harden, become crusty, to crust or incrust, said of dirt, dusty perspiration on the body, too much starch on clothes and the like. Nagákmol sa íya nawóng ang bálhas kag bulíng. Perspiration and dirt incrusted his face or his face was coated with sweat and dust. May duhá ukón tátlo ka báhin sang ákon báyò nga ginpaákmol sang mamumunák sang almidón. My dress was coated with starch in two or three places by the washerwoman. Kabáskug siníng pakô nga naakmolán sang almidón! Oh, the stiffness of this over-starched sleeve! (see dákmol, dámol, ápol).