Meaning of alílà



To nourish, nurture, rear, bring up, foster, take good care of, look after with kindness and consideration. Aliláa sing maáyo ang bátà, ang masakít, ang pilasón, etc. Look well after the baby, the sick person, the wounded man, etc. Ialílà akó ánay siníng makaloló-oy nga táo. Kindly take upon yourself the care of this poor fellow. Si San Hosé dílì sumúod nga amáy ni Hesukrísto, kóndì amáy nga manugalílà lámang. St. Joseph was not the real father of Jesus Christ, but only his foster-father. Ginalílà níya ang ílo nga bátà súbong sang sumúod níya nga anák. She brought up or reared the orphan-child as if it were her own daughter. (see sagúd, batití, sapópo).