To take care of, nurture, nourish, rear, bring up, attend to all one's wants. Sapopóha siá sing maáyo. Take good care of him. Sang nawád-an siá sang íya ilóy, ang íya nga tíyà amó ang nagsapópo sa íya. When she was bereft of her mother, her aunt took care of her (brought her up). (see sagúd, sagúp).
To take under one's care, to receive hospitably or kindly, to give board and lodging to, to shelter, feed and clothe. Ginákup níya akó sing mahigugmáon. He received me kindly, charitably, hospitably, supplying all my needs. Akúpa sing maáyo iníng makaloló-oy nga táo. Receive this poor fellow in all kindness. Take good care of this wretched man. Ipaákup ko lang iníng makilímos sa mga punoán. I will hand this beggar over to the care of the authorities. (see sagúd, sapópo, tábang).
To nourish, nurture, rear, bring up, foster, take good care of, look after with kindness and consideration. Aliláa sing maáyo ang bátà, ang masakít, ang pilasón, etc. Look well after the baby, the sick person, the wounded man, etc. Ialílà akó ánay siníng makaloló-oy nga táo. Kindly take upon yourself the care of this poor fellow. Si San Hosé dílì sumúod nga amáy ni Hesukrísto, kóndì amáy nga manugalílà lámang. St. Joseph was not the real father of Jesus Christ, but only his foster-father. Ginalílà níya ang ílo nga bátà súbong sang sumúod níya nga anák. She brought up or reared the orphan-child as if it were her own daughter. (see sagúd, batití, sapópo).
Nursing, care; to nurse, rear, bring up, take good care of children, of invalids, of the sick, etc. Batitihá ang bátà sing maáyo. Take great care of the baby. Nurse the baby well. Ibatití akó ánay siníng bátà. Please look after this baby for me. Ginbatití-or-binatití níya sing mabinalák-on ang masakít nga bátà. She nursed the sick baby with great solicitude or concern, (see sapópo, sagúd, tátap, bántay).
Generous, hospitable, taking care of, giving shelter and food, sympathetic. (see sapópo).
To take care of, rear or bring up, train, guard, watch over, look after with concern or care. Sagurá sing maáyo (Sagudá ti mayád) ang bátà, báboy, talámnan (tarámnan), etc. Take good care of the baby, the pig, the rice-field, etc. Isagúd akó siníng (kadiáng) mga kánding. Look after these goats of mine. Pasagurá akó sang ímo báka. Let me attend to your cow (for a share in her calves). Sín-o ang magasagúd sang mga bátà, kay napatáy ang íla ilóy? Who will take care of the children, now that their mother is dead? (see batití, sapópo, tátap, sagúp).
Care, solicitude, diligence; to do or perform with care, take charge of, cater for, treat well, manage with zeal, apply oneself with right good will (with an eye to one's own interest or advantage). Utitirá (-idá) siá. Take care of him. Look well after him. Maálam gid siá magutitíd sinâ. He knows very well to manage that and to look to his own profit. Ginautitíd níya sa gihápon ang tanán nga mga buluháton níya. He habitually performs all his duties well (with an eye to his own advantage). N.B. Utitirá siá. (H) Utitidá (tána). (B) has at times also the meaning: Exact a strict account of him. Make him pay back every centavo, every favour received, or the like. (see tátap, sagúd, sapópo, písan, úkud).
Care, solicitude, diligence; to do or perform with care, take charge of, cater for, treat well, manage with zeal, apply oneself with right good will (with an eye to one's own interest or advantage). Utitirá (-idá) siá. Take care of him. Look well after him. Maálam gid siá magutitíd sinâ. He knows very well to manage that and to look to his own profit. Ginautitíd níya sa gihápon ang tanán nga mga buluháton níya. He habitually performs all his duties well (with an eye to his own advantage). N.B. Utitirá siá. (H) Utitidá (tána). (B) has at times also the meaning: Exact a strict account of him. Make him pay back every centavo, every favour received, or the like. (see tátap, sagúd, sapópo, písan, úkud).