Meaning of áyo



(H) To be or get well, recover, to get cured or healed; to mend, emend, amend, improve, make good or better. Ang masakít nga bátà nagáyo na. The sick child is cured or has recovered. Iníng bulúng nagpaáyo sang íyang balatían. This medicine cured his sickness. Ayóha ang ímo mga batásan. Mend your manners. Improve your behaviour. Gináyo siá sang manogbúlong. The doctor cured him. Kaáyo-to mend, repair. Kaayóha iní. Repair this. Mend this. Sín-o ang nagkaáyo sang ímo baláy? Who repaired your house?



Pet name, familiar name, as known amongst friends and relatives. Ipíng amó ang ayô ni Filípe. Iping is the pet name of Philip. (see hayô id.).



To ask, request. Nagayô siá kay tátay nga malakát sa Ilóng-ílong. He asked father to be allowed to go to Iloilo. (see pangáyò).



Haggling, higgling, bargaining, beating down the price of; to haggle, higgle, bargain, beat or knock down the price, ask for less than charged. Baráto man lang iní; ngáa nga nagaayô pa gid ikáw? This is really cheap; why then do you still haggle? Ayoá sa íya iníng hénero, kay masiádo kamahál. Try to beat down his price for this cloth, for it is too dear. Ayoí siá sing bisán limá ka dakû lámang. Make him lower the price even if by only five centavos. Walâ sing ayô dirí sa ámon, kóndì ang tanán nga ámon balalígyà may bilí nga napát-ud. There is no haggling with us, for all we sell has a fixed price.