Meaning of balasúbas



Out of pocket, without ready cash, short of cash for the present; to be or become short of cash, etc. Balasúbas or ginabalasúbas akó karón. At present I am out of pocket or I have no ready cash for the moment. Nabalasúbas akó, kay madámù ang ákon gingastohán. I ran short of cash, for I had to spend a great deal. Nagbalasúbas siá sa sugálan. He ran out of cash at the gambling table.



Careless, desultory, botched, bungled, not well done or made, scamped. Balasúbas ang pagbúhat sang pánday sang ákon lamésa. The joiner botched my table. (see bástos, manól, balotanóg).