Meaning of bángbang



To widen by digging, to dig away earth, etc. Bangbangán mo ang lúblub, agúd magsángkad ang dálan. Widen the hollow or narrow passage by digging, in order that the road may become broader. Ginbangbangán níla ang búhò, kay makitíd. They widened the hole in the ground, for it was too narrow. Ibángbang iníng tagád sa pángpang sang subâ. Make use of this iron-pointed dibble to dig away the earth from the river-bank. Ipabángbang iníng búhò. Get this hole widened. Ang mga kaminéro nagabángbang sang bakólod sa higád sang dálan. The road-menders are digging away the side of the hill near the road. (see bákhay, káli).



A kind of dish prepared in the form of vermicelli or spaghetti.