Meaning of húlug



To drop, throw, fall down, cause to fall down, tumble down, precipitate, precipitate oneself. Andam ka, agúd índì ka mahúlug. Take care lest you should fall. Hulúga ang bató. Throw down the stone. Nahulúgan siá sing bátà. She had a miscarriage. Nahulúgan akó sing tokô sang nagakatulúg akó. A gecko dropped down on me whilst I was asleep. Ihúlug mo lang ang martílyo sa bintánà. Just throw the hammer down from the window. Sang isá ka túig ang Pagkatáo nahúlug sa isá ka Domíngo. Last year Christmas fell on a Sunday. Halín ka dirí kay básì hulúgan ka sing lubí. Go away from here, for a coconut might drop down on you. (see dágdag).