To drop, throw, fall down, cause to fall down, tumble down, precipitate, precipitate oneself. Andam ka, agúd índì ka mahúlug. Take care lest you should fall. Hulúga ang bató. Throw down the stone. Nahulúgan siá sing bátà. She had a miscarriage. Nahulúgan akó sing tokô sang nagakatulúg akó. A gecko dropped down on me whilst I was asleep. Ihúlug mo lang ang martílyo sa bintánà. Just throw the hammer down from the window. Sang isá ka túig ang Pagkatáo nahúlug sa isá ka Domíngo. Last year Christmas fell on a Sunday. Halín ka dirí kay básì hulúgan ka sing lubí. Go away from here, for a coconut might drop down on you. (see dágdag).
To strip, separate (meat from the bones, etc.); to cut in pieces, dissect, disembowel; to drop, fall off (as withered leaves or the like). (see ál-al, dágdag, pamutáputá, bósbos).
To drop, fall down, sink, descend, get loose and come down unnoticed, as clothes that are only carelessly secured. Nalógho (Nagkalógho) ang íya patádyong. Her skirt became loose (has become loose) and dropped (has dropped). Andam ka, agúd índì malógho (magkalógho) ang ímo puróy. Be on your guard, lest your short trousers should get loose, drop or come down. Sing masamí ginaloghohán sang íla delárgo ang mga bátà nga walâ pa maánad sa pagdalá sang amó nga panápton. Quite frequently the pants get loose of boys not yet accustomed to wear such articles of dress. (see dágdag, lóyloy).
Dim. and Freq. of ómoy and more used than the simple ómoy.
-on, A suffix very frequently used in Visayan to form:
1) adjectives, e.g. kibúlon, kíblon from kíbul; dugoón from dugô, etc. maluyagón from lúyag; matinahúron from táhud, etc. (see ma-, -in-).
2) nouns, e.g. kapisanón from písan; kalaparón from lápad, etc. etc. N.B. The difference between the simple ka-forms and the ka--on-forms lies in this that the former denote abstract nouns and can be used also for the formation of an exclamatory superlative that corresponds in meaning to the English "How--!", whilst the latter denote nouns in the concrete or as applied to a particular case, e.g. Kalápad siníng palangúmhan! How large this farm is! Ang kalaparón siníng palangúmhan kapín sa tátlo ka ektárea. The size (extent) of this farm is more than three hectares. (see ka-, -an).
3) the so-called (future) passive in-on. Generally speaking the passive in-on is used with verbs that denote a direct action on an object, an action that produces some change on, or modifies, the object, e.g. búhat (to make); hímò (to do); hímos (to prepare, get ready); dágdag (to drop, let fall); hákwat (to lift up); útud (to sever); bíal (to split); gulút (to cut); támpà (to slap); súmbag (to box); gísì (to tear); tábug (to drive away), etc. etc. (see -an, i-).
4) In connection with denominations of money-on adds the meaning: of the value of, a coin (banknote, bill, etc.) of the value of, e.g. diesón-a ten-centavo coin; pisitasón-a twenty-centavo piece; pisosón-coin (note) of the value of a peso, etc.
Dim. and Freq. of ómoy and more used than the simple ómoy.
-on, A suffix very frequently used in Visayan to form:
1) adjectives, e.g. kibúlon, kíblon from kíbul; dugoón from dugô, etc. maluyagón from lúyag; matinahúron from táhud, etc. (see ma-, -in-).
2) nouns, e.g. kapisanón from písan; kalaparón from lápad, etc. etc. N.B. The difference between the simple ka-forms and the ka--on-forms lies in this that the former denote abstract nouns and can be used also for the formation of an exclamatory superlative that corresponds in meaning to the English "How--!", whilst the latter denote nouns in the concrete or as applied to a particular case, e.g. Kalápad siníng palangúmhan! How large this farm is! Ang kalaparón siníng palangúmhan kapín sa tátlo ka ektárea. The size (extent) of this farm is more than three hectares. (see ka-, -an).
3) the so-called (future) passive in-on. Generally speaking the passive in-on is used with verbs that denote a direct action on an object, an action that produces some change on, or modifies, the object, e.g. búhat (to make); hímò (to do); hímos (to prepare, get ready); dágdag (to drop, let fall); hákwat (to lift up); útud (to sever); bíal (to split); gulút (to cut); támpà (to slap); súmbag (to box); gísì (to tear); tábug (to drive away), etc. etc. (see -an, i-).
4) In connection with denominations of money-on adds the meaning: of the value of, a coin (banknote, bill, etc.) of the value of, e.g. diesón-a ten-centavo coin; pisitasón-a twenty-centavo piece; pisosón-coin (note) of the value of a peso, etc.
To fall down in drops, let fall, shed, said of tears, leaves, petals of flowers, etc. Nagakatáktak ang íya mga lúhà sa íya kamót. Her tears are falling on her hand. Nagkalatáktak na ang mga sinipád siníng búlak. The petals of this flower have fallen off already. Tinaktakán níya ang ákon delárgo sing abó sang sigarílyo. He dropped some cigarette ash on my trousers. Nataktakán ang salúg sang abó sang íya abáno. The ash of his cigar dropped on the floor. Natáktak siá sa íya nga palangakóan. He lost his position. He fell from office. (see dágdag, húlug, tángtang).
(Sp. tachar) To blot out, efface, expunge, wipe out; drop, let fall, dismiss; to censure, tax with, blame, reprehend. Dílì mo pagtatsahón ang sinulát sa pisára. Don't blot out (erase) the writing on the blackboard. Mabúdlay na magtátsa sang amó nga hágnà. Mabúdlay na tatsahón ang amó nga hágnà. It is now difficult to drop that proposition (proposal, motion). (see páhid, dágdag, táktak).
To lose, drop (something inadvertently); to disappear, get lost, fall down (out). Usisáa sing maáyo ang pinutús mo, kay básì nawasí ang kahón nga tabákò. Examine your parcel well, for maybe the box of cigars has been lost. Amligí ang sensílyo, agúd dílì mawasí ang ibán. Take good care of the change (coins), so that none may be lost. (see wígit, dúlà, dágdag).
(H) Old, yellow leaves, attached still to the plant, but about to fall off; old, withered, dry, sear, sere, said of leaves. Ang alagílang nga dáhon madalî madágdag. The dry leaves will soon fall to the ground.
To be speechless with wonder or surprise, to be bewildered, to be at a loss what to do or where to turn on account of so many things claiming attention. Ginapáhan akó sang madámù nga mga búnga nga nadágdag sa káhoy. I was at a loss what to do on account of the great amount of fruit that fell from the tree (wishing to gather it all up at once). Ginaapáhan siá sang madámù nga pagkáon. He is quite perplexed by the plentiful supply of food (wishing and unable to partake of so many dishes at the same time). (see apâ).
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