Meaning of láb-as



Fresh, uncooked, unsalted, raw; to be fresh, etc. (of meat, fish, vegetables, etc.). Láb-as pa iníng ísdà? Is this fish fresh? Nalab-asán akó siníng hípon, kay daw nagapisíkpísik pa kon tan-awón. This hipon-fish looks fresh to me, for it looks as if it were still moving. Indì mo pagkán-on ang kárne nga láb-as (hiláw). Don't eat raw meat. Walâ mo paglagáa sing maáyo iníng unúd, kay daw láb-as pa (hiláw pa). You did not boil this meat well, for it tastes almost raw. (see hiláw).



Also: premature, sudden, unprepared. Láb-as nga kamatáyon. A premature death. (see agáp, hiláw, hinálì).