Meaning of láwig



Length, long duration; to be, become or make long, lengthy, protracted, long drawn out, prolonged, especially of time; to protract, prolong, drag on, last long. Nagláwig ang ámon paglakát. Our walk lasted a long time. Lawíga ang ímo pagtoón, agúd mag-álam ka gid. Prolong your studies so that you may become very learned. (see dúgay, lábà).



A length of rope, usually about ten meters. Also verb. Ibalígyà mo sa ákon iníng isá ka lawíg nga kalát. Sell me this length of rope. Lawigí ang karabáw sing kalát, agúd makahálab sing maáyo. Give the buffalo a whole length of rope, so that he may graze in comfort.



The umbilical cord, naval string. (see púsud).