Meaning of línti



(Sp. lente) Lens; monocle; magnifying glass. (see tagosílang).



Lightning, fork-, sheet-, summer-, lightning, bolt, flash of lightning; to lighten, strike by lightning; also used as a curse: Blast it! or the like. Nagalíntì, may líntì. It is lightening, there is lightning. Nalintián ang lubí dídto. The coconut palm there was struck by lightning. Sa búlan sa Máyo sing masamí may panglíntì kag panagúub. It often lightens and thunders in the month of May. Ang íya baláy nahápit sang líntì kag nasúnug. His house was struck by lightning and burned to the ground. Ginhápit (Hinápit) siá sang líntì kag napatáy. He was struck and killed by lightning. Lintián ikáw! May lightning strike you dead! Curse you! A curse upon you! Líntì! Blast it! Hang it! The dickens! The deuce (take it)! Ay, líntì ikáw! Why, you are a damned nuisance! Oh, líntì, naglupúk ang góma! Oh, damn it, the tyre has burst! Indì ka magpangyáwà kag magpanglíntì, kay maláw-ay. Don't curse and swear. Don't use so frequently the expressions "yáwà" and "líntì", because it is unbecoming. (see kilát, pangilát, kilás, yáwà, yámat).