Meaning of lúbas



To shed, fall out, drop from the ears (of rice, etc.). (see rúbas, rúgon, rúntay).



(B) To pass, go by, lapse, elapse, expire. Nakalubás na kútub sádto ang pilá ka túig. Several years have passed since then. Sín-o ang naglubás? Who was it that passed by? Nalúbsan níya akó. He passed me by. Indì mo paglúbsan ang ámon baláy, kóndì maghápit ka gid kon magkádto ka dídto sa ámon dapít. Do not pass by our house, but call on us without fail, if you come to our place. Palúbsa siá. Let him pass. (see ági, lígad).