Meaning of málhas



(B) Advantage, benefit, profit; good, well; maybe, perhaps. Warâ ti málhas kon ikáw ang silótan tungúd kang salâ ni Fuláno. It's bad enough, if you should be punished for the fault of N.N. (Literally: There is no advantage in it, if-). Warâ ti málhas kon índì tána magabút. Perhaps he is not coming. It would be too bad, if he were not coming. Indì ikáw magpanúgid nga nagasugál kamí adláwdlaw; bokón ti (warâ ti) málhas kon idakúp (dákpon) támon kang polís. Don't tell (anybody) that we are gambling every day; it would be hard lines for us, if we were caught by the police. (see águd, agúdagúd, pulús, áyhan, torán, básì, dámlag).