Meaning of námì



To be or become nice, agreeable, beautiful. Nagnámì ang íya baláy, kay ginkaáyo níya. His house is now quite beautiful, for he has had it done up. Nanamían akó sang íya bestído. I consider her dress very nice. Kon mapísan ka paganamían ka gid sang báklon sa ímo ni tátay nga delárgo. If you are diligent,-father will buy you a beautiful pair of trousers,-you will see what a beautiful pair of trousers father will buy for you. Katahúm siní nga hampángan; natingála akó sang silíng mo nga walâ ka siní pagnamíi. How beautiful this toy is; I am astonished to hear you say that you were not pleased with it. Kon makítà mo ang laráwan ni Fuláno manamían ikáw sa walâ sing duhádúha. When you see N.N.'s photo you will, I am sure, consider it beautiful. (see tahúm, ányag, gayón, dálig, ámbong, ayóáyo).