Meaning of ngáa



Why; wherefore, for what reason, cause or purpose; now, how is that, let me see, tell me, or the like. Ngáa man nga ginhímò mo inâ? Why did you do that? Ngáa balá nga gintúga sang Diós ang kalibútan? Why did God create the world? Ngáa náton? How does it concern us? Why do we say so? What have we to do with it? Ngáa, isá gid ka anó ang mahátag níya sa ímo? Tell me, how much can he give you? Ngáa man nga índì (walâ) ka magkádto dídto? Why don't you (didn't you) go there? (see tungúd, sa, anó, bangúd, sa, anó, ándot).