Right, reason, motive, interest, relation or connection with, reference, regard. May tungúd siá kag bangúd sa pagbúhat sinâ. In acting thus he has (had) right and reason on his side. Anó ang tungúd mo sinâ? What is your interest in that matter (affair)? What have you got to do with it? Sa tungúd siní gánì--. Just on account of this--. Precisely for this reason--. N.B. Besides as noun "tungúd" is also very widely used as:
1) Verb: to concern, refer to, belong to, have a relation or connection with, e.g. iníng báhin sang humáy natungúd sa kay Fuláno. This part of the rice belongs (pertains) to N.N. Ipanáysay mo inâ sa mga punoán nga natúngdan. Explain that to the authorities that are concerned in the matter (--to the proper, corresponding authorities). Patungúd, pahanungúd-to attribute to, offer up-for,-in behalf of,-in behoof of, to do for the-sake of,-good of, to do to the advantage of, apply to, bestow upon, consider as belonging to, impute, etc. Iníng indulhénsya saráng mapahanungúd sa mga kalág sa purgatóryo. This indulgence can be applied to the souls in Purgatory. Dílì mo pagipatungúd sa ibán ang ímo mga sayúp. Don't impute your own faults to someone else.
2) Conjunctive particle: Because, since, seeing that, for, on the ground that, in as much as, e.g. Naakígan siá sang íya agálon tungúd nga nagsabát siá. He roused (incurred) the anger of his master, because he answered back. Walâ siá makatámbong, tungúd kay nagmasakít siá. He could not put in an appearance, because he-was taken ill,-had been taken ill,-took ill. Tungúd kay (Tungúd nga) ginbúhat mo inâ pangabagáha na man ang salábton. On the ground that you have done it you must also shoulder the responsibility.
3) Preposition: a. About, concerning, touching, as to, as for, respecting, as respects, with respect to, regarding, as regards, with regard to, referring to, with reference to, in connection with, pertaining to, appertaining to, bearing upon, relating to, with relation to, etc. Namángkot siá (sa) tungúd sang bilí sang kawáyan. He asked about the price of bamboo. Sa tungúd sang íya pagpalágyo walâ akó kabatî (makabatî) sing bisán kon anó. As to his flight, I have heard nothing whatever about it.
b. Because of, owing to, for the reason that, on the ground that, on account of, etc. Nasáyran ko na tungúd sang ímo pagsáysay. I know now because of your explanation. Ginbalúsan siá níla tungúd sang íya kaísug kag tungúd sang íya pagpatigáyon sing búlig. They rewarded him for his courage and because he brought up help. Walâ silá makabáyad tungúd sang íla piérde (kapierdéhan) sa bágyo. They could not pay on account of the losses they had sustained in the bágyo. Tungúd sa anó? Why? Wherefore? For what reason? Tungúd siní. Therefore. For this reason.
c. For the good of, for the sake of, for the benefit (advantage) of, for, in behalf (behoof) of. "Indì kamó maghibî tungúd sa ákon, kóndì tungúd sa ínyo kag sa ínyo mga anák". Don't weep over me, but weep for yourselves and for your children".
d. Through, through the agency of, by, by means of, by the help of, etc. Tungúd kay Hesukrísto nga Aton Ginóo. Through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Nakadángat siá sa pagpatábà sang íya umá sa maáyo nga bilí tungúd kay Pédro. He managed to sell his field at a fair price by the help (through the-influence,-intervention,-good offices) of Peter. (see bangúd, kay, hay, nahanungúd, nahatungúd, pahanúngdan, katungdánan, palahanúngdan).
A suffix of verbs that have a passive in-on. This suffix occurs in the following tenses:
1.) The passive impersonal imperative. Buháta iní. Do this. (búhat, buháton). Higugmaá kag tahúra (-úda) ang ímo ginikánan. Love and respect your parents, (higúgma, higugmaón; táhud, tahúron, tahúdon).
2.) The passive negative past. Walâ níya pagbuháta iní. He did not do this. Walâ ni la pagtumána ang íla katungdánan. They have not fulfilled their duties, (túman, tumánon).
3.) The passive negative present. Sa karón walâ na níya pagaúmha iníng bánglid. He now no longer tills this slope, (umá, úmhon). Tungúd sang kadamuón sang íla mga páhò, walâ na níla pagaisípa, kóndì ginosokób na lang sa pasungán. Owing to the great quantity of their mangoes they no longer count them, but measure them by the bushel. (ísip, isípon). Ngáa man nga walâ mo pagapatindogá ang halígi? Why are you not setting up the post? (pa, tíndog, tindogón).
Rage, fury, wrath, passion, great resentment, frenzy of anger or revenge, exasperation; to be wild with rage or resentment, to fly into a-rage,-passion, etc. May alipúngot siá or nagaalipúngot siá tungud nga ginbutangbutángan siá sang mga táo. He is wild with rage at having been slandered by the people. Ginaalipúngtan níya ang paglibák sa íya. He very much resents detraction. Ginalipúngtan níya ang mga naglibák sa íya. He felt great resentment against his detractors. Ginsúmbag ko siá kay inalipúngot akó. I struck him because my blood was boiling.
To postpone, procrastinate, tarry, put off, delay; tarrying, delaying, etc. The verb is frequently used with pa-. Dílì kamó magpaalogán-gan or maginalogán-gan sa pagsílhig sang hulút. Don't put off sweeping the room. Ginalogán-gan níya ang pagkádto dídto kag tungúd sinâ walâ siá makaábut sang tábad. He put off going there and as a consequence came too late for the dinner or banquet. Indì siá magpaalogán-gan sa pagsakáy pa Manílà or índì níya pagialogán-gan ang pagsakáy pa Manílà. He will not postpone his trip to Manila. Alogán-gan siá sing pamatásan. He is inclined to procrastinate, put things off. (see palántang, agáp-to anticipate).
To cost much, be expensive, costly, cause greater outlay as compared with something else. Maámbas ang áni sang sa gálab. Harvesting rice with the small rice-cutter called kayóg is more expensive than harvesting with the sickle. Sa súbung siní nga trabáho maámbas ang sóhol nga inádlaw sang sa pákiaw. For such work daily wages are more costly than a contract for the whole. Nagámbas ang gásto námon tungúd sang ápat ka bátà námon nga dídto sa koléhyo. Our expenses were greater on account of our four children at college. Naambasán silá sang gásto sa karón nga túig, kay naginilísílis lang silá sang minasakít. They had larger outlay this year, for they fell sick one after another. Iníng kláse sang paglútò maámbas. This kind of cooking is expensive. (see hákug).
Fragrance, sweet smell, agreeable odour, perfume, scent; to be or become fragrant, sweet-smelling, scented, odoriferous. Iníng matahúm nga búlak walâ sing ámion (kaámion). This beautiful flower has no scent. Nagámion na ang hulút tungúd sináng mga búlak. The room became fragrant on account of those flowers. Naamionán akó siní nga búlak, ápang si Fuláno nabahoán. I like the smell of this flower, but N.N. dislikes it. Ang kalabánan sang mga búlak nga dirâ sa ámon pamulákan nagapangámion. Most of the flowers in our garden are fragrant. (see kaámion, maámion, pangámion, ámyon, hamút, humút).
(B) Quarrel, dispute, squabble, words, high words, altercation, bickering; to quarrel, wrangle, fall out, squabble, have words with, etc. Ang mga bátà nagabagâ. The boys are quarrelling. May ginbagâ akó kahápon. I had a quarrel with somebody yesterday. Ngáa man nga ginbagâ mo si Hosé? Why did you quarrel with José? Ginbagâ ko siá, kay kinúhà níya ang ákon kasíng. I quarrelled with him, because he had taken my spinning-top. Indì mo siá pagbagaón tungúd siníng diótay nga butáng. Don't pick a quarrel with him for this small matter. Pabagaá si Andrés kag si Hosé. Make Andrew and José quarrel with each other. Ipabagâ si Hosé sa kay Andrés. Make José pick a quarrel with Andrew. (see súay, baísbáis).
(B) To respect, revere, reverence, venerate, defer to, honour, show consideration or regard for. Banaá ang ímo mga ginikánan. Honour your parents. Ginabanâ níya iníng táo. He respects this man. Indì mo na akó ikabanâ. You have no consideration or respect for me any more. Tungúd sa anó man nga walâ na ikáw pagbanâ sa ákon? Why do you no longer show any consideration for me? (see bálhot, táhud, tahâ, panagubáli).
To ambush, lie secretly in wait for. Nagbángan siá sa ákon. He lay in wait for me. Nabangánan or binangánan siá. He was ambushed. Nakabatî siá nga may nagabángan sa íya; tungúd sinâ índì siá magpaúlì. He heard that somebody was lying in wait for him; therefore he would not go home. (see bánggà).
Reason, motive, cause; used in the passive voice with the meaning: to place the responsibility upon, to put forward as a pretext or reason, to lay the blame upon and the like. May tungúd kag bangúd siá sa pagbúhat sinâ. He had the right and sufficient cause to do that. Ginabángdan níya akó, nga akó amó ang may salâ. He makes me responsible by saying that the fault was mine. Ginbángdan níya si Hosé sang pagkabúung sang pínggan. He laid the blame for the broken plate on José. Indì mo pagipabangúd sa ibán ang mga salâ nga ímo gid ginbúhat. Don't make others answer for the sins you have committed yourself. (see bángdan, kabangdánan).
On account of, by reason of, due to, because. Bangúd sinâ --. Therefore --. Bangúd sang íya katámad sa pagpangabúdlay napúto siá. On account of his being too lazy to work he became a bankrupt. Walâ akó makakarí sang simána nga tinalíkdan, bangúd nga nahilántan akó. I was unable to come here last week, because I had a cold or influenza. Bangúd sang madámol nga ulán índì kamí makapaúlì karón. Due to the heavy rain we cannot go home now. (see tungúd, kay).
Famous, well-known, public, prominent; to become or be well known; to be or make public, to blazon. Nabántug sa bánwa ang madámù nga pinatubás níya. His rich harvest became well known in town. Nabantugán silá tungúd sang íla pagtabanáy. They became a topic for conversation for having run away together. Nabantugán iníng lugár tungúd sang madámò nga páhò. This place is famous for its many mango-trees. Ipabántug mo sa bánwa nga --. Make it known in town that --. Nagbántug dídto ang íya ngálan. His name there became famous. (see bánsag).
Bent, crooked, twisted, huddled up; to bend, curve, wriggle, writhe, wince, squirm, huddle up, cringe, crouch, fall down in a heap. Nagbarôrô siá sa salúg tungúd sang mabáskug nga tíndak nga íya nabáton. He fell down in a heap on the floor from the violent kick. (see sikrotót, bulídbulíd, ligídligíd, singkorót, singkayóng).
To feel, sense, perceive, become aware of, notice, have a sensation, suffer, be indisposed or ill. Tungúd sang lakás nga pagdúmug mo karón pagabatiagón mo gid sa buás ang kasakít sang láwas mo. On account of your wrestling so much you will surely ache all over tomorrow. May ginabátiag siá. He is indisposed, feels a little ill. Sa hinálì nakabátiag akó sing dakû nga kasakít sa ákon kílid. Suddenly I felt great pain in the side. Ipabátiag mo ang látigo sa matámad nga karabáw. Give the lazy buffalo a taste of your whip. Kon matúod ang ímo ginasilíng magabátiag si nánay sing dakû nga kalípay. If what you say is true, mother will feel very glad. (see bátyag, bátì).
To argue, debate, discuss, engage in a discussion or argument. Bikálon mo siá sa tungúd sang maáyo nga batásan. Argue with him about good manners. Bikálan ta ang bág-o nga pagbulút-an nahanungúd sa mga kalasálon. Let us debate about the new law referring to marriages. Nagabikaláy silá sang mga kaayóhan kag kalaínan sang gobiérno nga amerikánhon. They are discussing the good and bad points of the American Government. (see báis).
To mumble, murmur, mutter, grumble, utter indistinct complaints, talk or complain in a low tone, be pensive, to brood over wrongs suffered, difficulties to be overcome, etc.; to hiss, fizz, bubble. May batásan siá sa pagbórò. He has the habit of muttering and grumbling. Indì ka magbórò tungúd sang diótay nga kalisúd. Don't murmur and complain on account of a small trouble. (see sórò, búog, burútbúrut, akálakál, sindakál).
Tax, duty, tribute, toll, license; impost; to pay a tax, etc. Nakabuhís ikáw sang sédula, contribusyón teritoryál, etc.? Have you paid your cedula-tax, land-tax, etc.? Húo, bág-o pa lang akó magbuhís sinâ. Yes, I paid it only a short while ago. Ginbuhisán níla ang idô. They paid their dog-license. Iníng kwárta ibuhís ko sa ákon gantángan. I'll use this money to pay the tax on my ganta-measure. Ginbuhís ko na ang ápat ka mángmang sa ákon sédula, kay nagparekárgo silá sa ákon (or naparekargohán akó níla) tungúd sang ákon pagkamoróso. I have paid the four pesos for my cedula, for they charged me double on account of my being behindhand,-in arrear,-my not providing myself with a cedula in due time.
To be quick, prompt, fast, swift, speedy, rapid; to hasten, hurry, skurry, make haste, quicken, speed up, accelerate. Tungúd sa anó nga nagadalî ikáw? Why are you in such a hurry? Nagdalî siá sa pagpaúlì, kay masakít si nánay níya. He hurried home, because his mother is sick. Daliá! Be quick! Hasten! Make haste! Gindalî níya ang pagsulát sa kay Fuláno. He wrote N.N. without delay. Dinalián níla ang baláy sang trabáho. They set to work on the house with despatch, without delay. Padaliá ang íya paglakát. Tell him to walk fast.