Meaning of óbra



(Sp. obra) Work, labour, job, task; to work, fashion, turn out, labour, make. Obra kamó. Go to work. Set to work. Anó ang ginaóbra mo dirí? What are you doing (engaged in) here? Obrahá sing maáyo kon anó ang ímo olobráhon. Do well whatever you have to do. (see búhat, hímò, pangabúdlay, pangóbra, pamúgon).



(Sp. obra) Work, labour, job, task; to work, fashion, turn out, labour, make. Obra kamó. Go to work. Set to work. Anó ang ginaóbra mo dirí? What are you doing (engaged in) here? Obrahá sing maáyo kon anó ang ímo olobráhon. Do well whatever you have to do. (see búhat, hímò, pangabúdlay, pangóbra, pamúgon).