Aware of, acquainted with, informed, familiar with. Sayód gid kitá nga tanán. nga--. All of us know perfectly well that--. We are all familiar with the fact of--. (see sáyod).
To know, be conversant with, be acquainted with, have knowledge of, be aware of. Makasáyod ka sang kadulúnan sang umá ni Fuláno? Do you know the boundaries of N.N.'s farm? Nakasáyod akó sinâ-or-nasayóran (nasáyran) ko inâ sing maáyo. I know that well, I am well acquainted with the facts in the case. Makasáyod ikáw sang kahulúgan sang púlong nga "palítog"?-Húo, nakasáyod akó sinâ, kay ang "palítog" kon sayóron amó ang pagkúhà ukón. pagkáwat sang íya sang ibán, súbung ábi sang "ginpalítog níya ang pílak sang bánwa". Do you know the meaning of the term "palítog"?-Yes, for palítog, when explained, means to appropriate or steal what belongs to another, for instance "he stole or embezzled public money". Makisáyod akó kuntánì sa ímo sang kasaysáyan sang--. I should like to ask you the explanation of--. (see hibaló, hangúp, sát-um, áto, etc.).