Meaning of tákaw



(B) To steal, pilfer, abscond, purloin, take and carry away feloniously. Tinákaw na ang kálò ko. (Kináwat níya ang ákon kálò). He stole my hat. Indì mo pagtakáwon (pagkawáton) ang mga tanúm na (níya). Don't steal his plants. Natakáwan nánda ang páray nga diá. (Nakawátan níla iníng humáy). They stole some of this rice. Tinakáwan nánda ang páray nga diá. (Kinawátan níla iníng humáy). This sentence may be translated like the foregoing, but it may also mean: This rice of theirs is stolen property (is not the result of their labour nor the product of their land). (see takáb, káwat).