Meaning of támbal



Plaster, medicinal leaves, poultice, unguent, ointment, salve, or the like as a remedy for a wound, boil, swelling, etc. or to relieve an ache. May támbal (inogtámbal, talámbal) ikáw nga maáyo sa síkmat? Have you got a good remedy for back-ache? Tambalí ang íya ólo sing búyò. Apply búyò-leaves to his head (forehead, brow). Itámbal sa íya hubág iníng mga dáhon. Put these leaves on his swelling (boil). Tinambalán níla ang íya hubág kag nagbúswang kag nagáyo sa walâ gid madúgay. They put a plaster on his boil and within a short time it broke open and healed. Ipatámbal ang íya pilás sa médiko (manugbúlung). Have his wound seen to by a doctor. Get a doctor to treat his wound. Indì siá magpatámbal. He does not want to be treated with plasters, etc. (see hámpul, háplas).