Search result(s) - háplas



To dab, smear, put on, overspread with something unctuous or adhesive, salve, rub in an ointment or the like. Haplasí siá sing lánggaw. Rub him with vinegar. Iháplas sa íya iníng lána. Rub this coconut-oil on him. May inogháplas kamó sa síkmat? Have you any ointment for back-ache? (Metaphorically: Hinaplasán níya siá sing mga hámbal nga matám-is. He "rubbed him down" with soft words. He "softsoaped" him). (see pálhit, hapúlas, apóhap, unís, odót, etc.).



Anointment, unction; the sacrament of Extreme Unction; to anoint, salve, treat with an unguent; to administer Extreme Unction. Badlisí siá. Anoint him. Pabadlisí siá. Have him anointed. Pabadlisán mo ang masakít nga táo. Have Extreme Unction administered to the sick man. Ibádlis inâ sa íya. Anoint him with that. (see híso, hídhid, pálhit, háplas, etc.).



(Sp. baño) Ointment, salve, unguent, leaves, etc. used as a plaster for rubbing in or massaging; massage; to rub in, to massage. Nagbányos akó sang dáhon sang búyò sa kay Fuláno. I rubbed N.N. with búyò-leayes. Ibányos mo iníng mga dáhon sang patáni sa batíis sang masakít nga táo. Rub the calf of the sick man with these leaves of the patáni-peas. Banyosí ang ákon likód. Kindly rub or massage my back. Ibányos akó ánay sang likód sang masakít ko nga bátà. Please massage the back of my sick child. Anó ang ibányos mo? What are you going to use for massaging? Binanyosán nilá ang íya páa sing alkohól. They rubbed his leg with alcohol. Mapabányos akó. I am going to be massaged or to get somebody to rub or massage me. (see háplas, hapúlas, bántil, dapáydápay, bánggos, hílot).



To anoint-, oil-, sparingly, apply only a little oil, ointment, pomade, etc. Damlahá lang sing lána ang ímo bohók. Put on your hair just a little coconut oil. (see híso, háplas, bányos).



To smear-, plaster-, over, coat, daub, surface, give a coat of paint or plaster, anoint with salve, ointment or the like. Daplasí sing bárnis ang kwádro. Coat the frame with varnish. Give the frame a coat of varnish. Gindaplasán níya ang íya likód sing búyò. He plastered his back with buyo-leaves. Idáplas iníng pínta sa lamésa. Use this paint to paint the table. Dinaplasán níya ang íya hubág sing támbal. He put a medicinal plaster on his ulcer. Daplasí ang padér sing ápog. White-wash-, lime-wash-, the wall. (see háplas, dámla, pálhit).



To smear over, plaster, salve, etc. See dáplas, dapólas, háplas.



To apply a-salve,-ointment,-plaster, etc. to rub, stroke, scratch. Dapolása ang hubág, ang bútkon, etc. Put a plaster on the boil, the arm, etc. Dapolási siá sa likód. Put a plaster on his back. Idapólas iníng bulúng sa íya pilás. Use this medicine to treat his wound. (see háplas, hapúlas, hámpul, támbal, dáplas, apóhap, kálot).



To oil, anoint, grease, rub in fat, tallow, etc. Hagúda (-úra) ánay ang hénero, agúd maghapús ang pagtahî. Rub some fat into the cloth, that it may be easy to sew. Ginhágud níya ang háblon sing táro, kay kon dílì masápnot ang pagsodó sang ángkub. She first rubbed tallow into the materials for weaving, for otherwise it is difficult to beat the weft up to the web with the reed. Metaphorically: to waste, misspend, wear out. Nagahágud lang siá dídto sang íya nga ádlaw, panápton, etc. He merely wastes his time there, wears out his clothes, etc. (see pálhit, háplas, úsik, uyáng).



To dab, smear, etc. See háplas, hapúlas.



To anoint, rub in, dab, etc. See háplas. Also: to stroke, rub gently; ingratiate oneself with. (see hapóhap, apóhap).

híbò, híbo


To oil, anoint, salve, plaster, rub in a liquid, cover with oil, fat, lard, etc. Hibóa-or-hibói siá sing lána. Rub him with coconut-oil. Ihíbò sa íya síkmat iníng baselína. Use this vaseline for his back-ache. (see háplas, hapúlas, pálhit).



To rub, anoint, salve, oil with. Hidhidí (-irí) siá sing baselína. Rub him with vaseline. Ihídhid iníng lána sa íya nga úlo. Rub his head with this coconut-oil. (see háplas, bádlis, híbò, etc.).

híso, hísò


To oil the hair, use hair-oil. Hisói (hisóhi) ang ímo bohók sing lána. Oil your hair with coconut-oil. May hisô ikáw, kay manghíso akó? Have you got some hair-oil, for I wish to oil my hair? (see háplas, bádlis, pamánhop).



Ointment, unguent, salve, plaster, remedy. (see háplas).



Ointment, unguent, salve, plaster, remedy. (see háplas).



To smear over, to plaster, to put on or spread (an ointment, glue, or the like). Palhití ang pagkítan sing kóla. Put glue on the paper. Pinalhitán mo ang búyò sing lakás nga ápog. You have smeared the búyò-leaf with too much lime. Ginpálhit níya ang lúnang sa guyá sang bátà. He besmeared the child's face with mud. Ipálhit mo ang mantekílya sa tinápay. Spread the butter on the bread. Butter the bread. Spread the bread with butter. (see háplas, hídhid, bádlis).



To rub, scrape. Karón ramásan ko ang ímo dílà sing katúmbal, kon dílì ka maghípus. I will rub your tongue with chili, if you don't keep quiet. (see bányos, háplas).



Plaster, medicinal leaves, poultice, unguent, ointment, salve, or the like as a remedy for a wound, boil, swelling, etc. or to relieve an ache. May támbal (inogtámbal, talámbal) ikáw nga maáyo sa síkmat? Have you got a good remedy for back-ache? Tambalí ang íya ólo sing búyò. Apply búyò-leaves to his head (forehead, brow). Itámbal sa íya hubág iníng mga dáhon. Put these leaves on his swelling (boil). Tinambalán níla ang íya hubág kag nagbúswang kag nagáyo sa walâ gid madúgay. They put a plaster on his boil and within a short time it broke open and healed. Ipatámbal ang íya pilás sa médiko (manugbúlung). Have his wound seen to by a doctor. Get a doctor to treat his wound. Indì siá magpatámbal. He does not want to be treated with plasters, etc. (see hámpul, háplas).



To strike inward, affect the interior parts, attack the inside, said of diseases, etc. Nahánlud ang katúl sang bátà, kay ginháplas níla sang lána. The child's eczema struck inward, because they rubbed it with coconut-oil. (see ha-, sulúd).



To get chafed, a little red or inflamed. Nagahímà ang hítà sang bátà kay matámbok. The baby's groins are chafed; it is so fat. Haplasí ang bátà sing baselína, agud índì paghimáan. Rub some vaseline on the baby's skin, lest it should become chafed. (N.B. hímà is particularly applied to getting chafed between the thighs or in the groins). (see híbas, taís, etc.).

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