Search result(s) - támbal



Plaster, medicinal leaves, poultice, unguent, ointment, salve, or the like as a remedy for a wound, boil, swelling, etc. or to relieve an ache. May támbal (inogtámbal, talámbal) ikáw nga maáyo sa síkmat? Have you got a good remedy for back-ache? Tambalí ang íya ólo sing búyò. Apply búyò-leaves to his head (forehead, brow). Itámbal sa íya hubág iníng mga dáhon. Put these leaves on his swelling (boil). Tinambalán níla ang íya hubág kag nagbúswang kag nagáyo sa walâ gid madúgay. They put a plaster on his boil and within a short time it broke open and healed. Ipatámbal ang íya pilás sa médiko (manugbúlung). Have his wound seen to by a doctor. Get a doctor to treat his wound. Indì siá magpatámbal. He does not want to be treated with plasters, etc. (see hámpul, háplas).



To smear-, plaster-, over, coat, daub, surface, give a coat of paint or plaster, anoint with salve, ointment or the like. Daplasí sing bárnis ang kwádro. Coat the frame with varnish. Give the frame a coat of varnish. Gindaplasán níya ang íya likód sing búyò. He plastered his back with buyo-leaves. Idáplas iníng pínta sa lamésa. Use this paint to paint the table. Dinaplasán níya ang íya hubág sing támbal. He put a medicinal plaster on his ulcer. Daplasí ang padér sing ápog. White-wash-, lime-wash-, the wall. (see háplas, dámla, pálhit).



To apply a-salve,-ointment,-plaster, etc. to rub, stroke, scratch. Dapolása ang hubág, ang bútkon, etc. Put a plaster on the boil, the arm, etc. Dapolási siá sa likód. Put a plaster on his back. Idapólas iníng bulúng sa íya pilás. Use this medicine to treat his wound. (see háplas, hapúlas, hámpul, támbal, dáplas, apóhap, kálot).



A healing ointment, unguent, salve, plaster, poultice, embrocation; to poultice, put on a plaster, salve, etc. Hampulí siá sing mga dáhon sang patáni. Apply patani-leaves to him. Hinampulán níya ang hubág sing aróma. He treated the boil with a plaster prepared from the aroma-plant. Ihámpul sa íya iníng búyò. Apply to him these buyo-leaves. (see támbal).



Remedy, ointment, salve, plaster. (see támbal, halámpul, haláplas).



Scaffold, scaffolding, a temporary structure for supporting workmen and materials in building; to make-, build-, furnish with-, a scaffold, to scaffold. Magtambálà kamó ánay kag ugáling magpatíndog sang halígi. Put up a scaffold first and then set up the post. Tambalái ang baláy kag pintahán (mo). Put a scaffold (Put scaffolding) round the house and paint it. Anó ang itambálà mo, káhoy ukón kawáyan? What kind of material will you use for the scaffold, wood or bamboo? Nakadúpyas siá sa tambálà, nahúlug kag napatáy. He slipped (made a false step) on the scaffold, fell down and died. (tambárà id.).



A kind of lizard living in the open and somewhat resembling a gecko in size. It is not poisonous, but its bite is very painful. (tambilihán id.).



A sensation of great pain, a smart, an acute, sharp or biting pain; to smart, cause a sharp or acute pain (by the stroke of a whip, etc.). Nagahápdì iníng pilás ko. This wound of mine is smarting. Ginahapdián siá sang kagát sang idô. He is in great pain from the dog's bite. Indì mo pagpahapdión ang íya pilás kon tambalán mo. Avoid causing his wound to smart, when you apply remedies. Kon haplikán ka sang látigo magahápdì ang lábhag. When you receive a flick of a whip the weal smarts. (see sakít).



Dim. and Freq. of hátok. Hatókhatoká ang búyò kag itámbal mo sa hubág. Bruise the búyò-leaf and put it on the boil.



To squeeze, compress or crush to pulp, soften, make pliable by rubbing or rolling (of leaves, peas and beans, etc. previous to using as a plaster or the like). Ligasá ang búyò. Soften the búyò-leaf. Ligasí akó sing dáhon sang katúmbal, kay itámbal ko sa púgsa. Crush some chili-leaves for me, because I am going to use them as a plaster for the boil. (see hálmok).



(B) To clean, cleanse, bathe, lave, wash, disinfect (applied to the treatment of a wound with an antiseptic liquid, especially with warm water mixed with various ingredients of roots and herbs). Nagnagí ang ímo pilás kag ugáling tambalán. Bathe or cleanse your wound first with a warm liquid, and then put a dressing on it. Inágnag iníng túbig nga inínit sa ímo pilás. Use this warm water to clean your wound with.

tagútò, tagûtû


A small lizard, sand-lizard. (see sóksok, tokô, takâ-gecko; haló-iguana; kuyáyha-flying dragon; buáya-crocodile, alligator; balangítaw, tambalihán, tikî).



A fabulous animal, an evil spirit that haunts forests and assumes at times the shape of a lizard (tambalihán) or the like.



(B) Scaffolding, etc. See támbálà.



A kind of (green) lizard. See tambalihán.



To wrap a thing in leaves and warm-, heat-, cook-, it by burying it under hot ashes, over live coals, etc. Tum-aní ang talámbal. Heat the poultice (plaster). Tum-anán mo lang ang lígbos, ang binóro nga bilóngbilóng, etc. Wrap leaves round the lígbos-mushroom, the pickled bilóngbilóng-fish, etc. and cook it in hot ashes. Ang artamísa nga tinóktok íla tinum-anán (gintum-anán) kag itámbal (gintámbal) sa lamutî sang ákon túdlò. They made a fomentation (stupe) of chopped up wormwood and put it on the blister of my finger. (see tóom, tinum-anán).