Search result(s) - ánit



Old and useless, torn, bad, rotten, ragged, worn into rags or tatters, tattered. Rabanít nga báyò, delárgo, pányò, etc. A tattered jacket, pair of trousers, handkerchief, etc. (see gubát).



An equal division or distribution of property or of an inheritance; to divide or distribute on a basis of equality, to give an equal share to: to deal equally with, treat without distinction, be impartial, do something in an even or uniform way. Ginasanít sang Diós ang pagtátap sang ngatanán. God takes equally care of everything. Paghabúl nga sinanít. Weaving in which the warp and the woof are alike in material, colour, or the like.



To trickle, dribble, run down in drops, flow slowly and gently. Naga-*ágay ang mapaít níya nga lúhà kag nagatúlò sa íya kamót. Her bitter tears are trickling down and dropping on her hand. Ináng kalisúd nagpaágay sang íya mga lúhà. That trouble brought tears into her eyes. Ang masakit nga bátà ginapaagáyan sing madámù nga mga lúhà sang íya ilóy. The sick child is being much wept over by its mother. Nagbúswang na ang íya hubág kag nagágay ang nánà. His boil burst and the pus flowed out. Nagpangabúdlay siá sing támà sa ínit nga ang masulúg nga bálhas nagágay sa tanán nga mga buhôbúhò sang íya pánit. He worked very hard in the heat of the sun, so that streams of perspiration poured from all the pores of his skin. (see tubúd, túlò, talabirís, tululágay, ílig).



To tear off, to bark, to strip (a tree of its bark). Ak-aká ang pánit sang káhoy. Strip the bark off the tree. Ak-akí ang káhoy sang íya pánit. Strip the tree of its bark. Pánit nga inák-ak. Bark torn or pulled off. Káhoy ngga inak-akán. A tree stript of its bark. (see bákbak).



To get loose, to peel or scale off, as a piece of bark, skin, flesh, etc. Nagál-al na ang kogán sang ákon butí. The scabs of my smallpox have now fallen off. Lauyáha ang kárne túbtub nga magál-al sa túl-an. Boil the meat till it comes loose from the bone. Al-alá or paal-alá ang pánit sang manók. Boil the chicken till the skin comes away.



(H) See alapláag id. Alaplága or paalaplága ang mga karnero. Disperse the sheep. Ipaaláplag mo ang mga kánding sa kay Pédro. Get Peter to disperse the goats. Ang pagkakristiáno nakaaláplag na sa búg-os nga kalibútan. Christianity has now spread throughout the world. Yádtong bakólod naalaplágan sing madámù nga kahayópan. That hill has many farm animals scattered over it.



A kind of fish, larger than a panít.



Shoring, shoring material, temporary props, supports, lining; to shore up, to line, to prop, support temporarily. Atabáyi ang bubón. Line the water-hole. Iatábay ko iníng pánit sang burí sa áwang námon. I will use this bark of the buri-palm to line our well with. Atabáyon ko ang pánit siníng burí. I will make shoring or lining of the bark of this buri-palm.



To strip off (as bark etc.). Bakbaká ang pánit sang káhoy. Strip off the bark of the tree. Bakbaká siá sa lungón. Force her away from clinging to the coffin. Bakbakí ang káhoy. Bark the tree. Ibákbak mo iníng binángon sa káhoy. Use this bolo for barking the tree. (see ák-ak).



Fierceness, ruffianism, brutality, truculence, ferocity, cruelty, violence, inhumanity; to be or become ferocious, inhuman, ruthless, brutal, fierce, cruel, to act fiercely, etc. Nagbangís siá. He got fierce. Nabangisán akó sa íya. I consider him violent. He is too violent for me. Indì ka magbangís sa ákon or índì mo akó pagbangisán. Don't act the ruffian with me. Don't talk fiercely to me. Don't treat me so cruelly. (see barís, píntas).



A kind of large fish growing to about two metres in length. It is much used as food, though it is not very savoury. This fish has several names according to its growth and size. "pák-an and panít" are used for the same fish, when quite small, and when nearing its full size, respectively. "Bantaláan" is the full-grown specimen.



Fierceness, violence, brutality, inhumanity, ruffianism, truculence; to be or become fierce, violent, ferocious, inhuman, cruel, ruthless. (see bangís, píntas).



The fine, thin ligaments in animal organisms. (see lanítlánit-tendon, sinew).



To hang, suspend, string up. Bitáya ang ságing, kahón, etc. Hang up the bananas, the box, etc. by means of a string. Ginbitáyan níla ang káhoy sang kánding nga inanítan na. They hung up to the tree the flayed goat. Ibítay akó ánay siníng bakág nga may unúd nga tinápay. Kindly hang up for me this basket filled with bread. Nasentensiahán siá sang hukóm nga bitáyon. He was sentenced by the judge to be hanged.



To feel a burning pain, to smart as when exposed to great heat, or when eating anything sharp, hot or pungent, and the like. Nagabítì ang pánit ko. My skin smarts as if scorched. Indì ka magkáon sing katúmbal, kay magabítì ang dílà mo. Don't eat chili, for your tongue will smart. Ginpabítì sang pimiénta ang bibíg ko. The pepper made my lips burn.



A small hole, shallow depression, perforation, pore. Ang mga buhôbúhò sang pánit. The pores of the skin.



(H) Hospital, medical bureau, sanitary station, clinic, office-, office-hours-, of a physician. (see bulúng).



To scratch, excoriate, strip the skin from, scrape off, abrade, rub open, tear off a piece. Nakasúnggò akó sa isá ka bató kag nagdalusó ang pánit sang ákon bútkon. I stumbled against a stone and some of the skin of my arm was scraped off.



To cause-, bring on-, a fit, especially a fit of insanity, produce a recurrence of mania. Ginadarán na man ang búang. The lunatic is having one of his fits again. Indì mo siá paghambalón, kay básì daranón siá. Don't talk to him, for he may get another fit of madness.

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