Search result(s) - tápan



Covering the whole, taking in all, sufficient for all and everyone; to cover the whole, etc. Ang maís nagataláptap sang bilóg níya nga umá. Ang bilóg níya nga umá natalaptapán sing maís. His whole field is under corn. The whole of his field is given over to corn. (see tóptop, túptup, tápud, talápud, kámpod).



Attention, care, purpose, reflection, mostly with "walâ sing" and then having the meaning: thoughtless, careless, negligent, to no avail or purpose, or the like. Walâ gid sing tarápang iníng bátà. This boy-is very careless or negligent,-acts without thinking. Naglakát siá nga walâ gid sing tarápang. He walked away without any idea of where he was going to or of what he intended to do. (see sápak, tápang).

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