Search result(s) - bulúng



To wonder, look on in admiration, be surprised, astonished, astounded, amazed, dumfounded, shocked, staggered, taken aback, to get a shock. Na-* *orongán akó sang pagkakítà ko sa íya, kay támà kalisúd ang íya pagbátì. I was shocked (I got quite a shock) when I saw him, for his illness is very serious. (see búlung, tingála).



To wonder, look on in admiration, be surprised, astonished, astounded, amazed, dumfounded, shocked, staggered, taken aback, to get a shock. Na-* *orongán akó sang pagkakítà ko sa íya, kay támà kalisúd ang íya pagbátì. I was shocked (I got quite a shock) when I saw him, for his illness is very serious. (see búlung, tingála).



To attribute to, inculpate, impute, lay the guilt, etc. upon someone else, accuse, denounce, make responsible; blame. Indì ka magpabángdan sa ákon sang ímo sayúp. Don't blame me for your mistake. Ginpabángdan níla sa manugbúlung ang kamatáyon sang íla anák, kay, konó, gindapátan níya sing maláin nga bulúng. They attributed the death of their child to the doctor, for, they said, he applied a harmful prescription. (see bangúd, pabangúd).



Caus. of bulúng-to doctor, give medicine, etc. Magpabulúng ka sa maáyo nga manugbúlung. Go and see a good doctor. Call in a good doctor. Ipabulúng mo siá sa kay Fuláno. Have him attended (prescribed for, treated) by N.N. Pabúlnga siá sa kay Fuláno. Let him try to cure N.N. Allow him to doctor N.N. Ang amó nga bulúlngan ginpabúlngan ko man sa kay nánay ko. I had my mother also treated (seen to) in that hospital.



To apply, cause to apply or put on, etc. Ipadápat sa íya iníng bulúng. Apply this lotion to him. Padapáta ang ganháan. Have the door closed. Pinadapátan níla ang íya hubág sing bulúng. They had a sedative put on (applied to) his boil. (pa, dápat).



To make easier, assuage, mitigate, alleviate, soothe, allay, comfort, soften, palliate, relieve, moderate. Pahagánhagána ang íya nga kalisúd. Assuage her grief. Console her in her distress. Ipahagánhágan sa íya nga kasubô iníng maáyo nga balítà. Soothe her sorrow with this good news. Ang bulúng nga gindápat sang médiko nagpahagánhágan sang íya sakít. The remedy applied by the doctor eased (lessened) her pain. (pa, hagánhágan).



To do one thing after another, to do or try in turn, successively one after another. Paisaisáha iníng mga bulúng. Try these remedies one at time-or-one after another. Paisáisáhi sing bulúng ang ímo hubág. Put one remedy at a time on your swelling.



(H) Hospital, infirmary. See bulúlngan. (see pamulúng, bulúng).



To form a scar, cicatrize, skin over, heal (said of a wound, etc.). Nagkapálì (Napálì) na ang íya pilás. His wound is healed. Búlnga ang hubág agúd magkapálì (mapálì). Put some medicine on the boil, that it may heal up. Idápat iníng bulúng sa pagpapálì sang pilás. Use this medicine to cure the wound. (see áyo).



(H) Freq. of búlung-to spin, etc.



Freq. of bulúng. To doctor, be a physician, practise medicine, etc.



Freq. of dápat-to use, apply, etc. Anó nga bulúng ang ginpanápat sa íya sang manugbúlung? What remedies did the doctor apply to him? Also: to wear an amulet, or the like. Ang babáylan nagapanápat gihápon sa íya láwas kon magkádto siá sa búkid. The sorcerer always wears an amulet when he goes to the mountain. Anó karón ang íya ginadalá nga panápat? What kind of an amulet does he wear now? What sort of an outfit has he got now?



To cause physical pain. Iníng bulúng nagapasakít sang ákon hubág. This medicine makes my ulcer smart, hurt, pain. (pa, sakít).



Caus. of tulón-to swallow, gulp down. Ipatulón mo sa íya inâ. Let him swallow that (literally and metaphorically). Patúnla siá siníng bulúng. Make him swallow this medicine. Give him this medicine to swallow.



(H) Caus. of úlaw-to stop. Pinaúlaw sang amó nga bulúng ang íya nga katúl kag pinatáy ang mga kágaw. That medicine cured (stopped) his katúl and killed the microbes.



(Sp. remedio) Remedy, help, cure, resource, refuge, reparation, means. Walâ na sing rimédyo, índì na makitáan sing bulúng. There is no help any more, it is past cure. Ang íya balatían walâ na sing rimédyo. His sickness is past cure. Tahór (makáwat) siá nga waláy rimédyo. He is an inveterate (incorrigible) gambler (thief). But it may also mean: He is a gambler (thief) that has not become rich (does not prosper) in his profession. Sa súbung siní walâ akó sing kwárta nga ibáyad ko sa ímo, ápang pagarimedyohán ko gid sa sulúd sang isá ka simána. Just at present I have no money to pay you, but I shall certainly find the money within the week. Anó nga bulúng ang maáyo nga irimédyo sa síkmat? What is a good remedy for back-ache (for rheumatism in the back)? (see palónos, paaliwánsan, bulúng, ripára).



Leaking, escaping (of steam, vapour, odour); not air-tight, not closed well (of bottles, barrels, etc.); to escape, leak, to admit air, be not airtight, to become weak or spoilt by exposure to air. Sungáw (Nagsungáw) ang bulúng sa sulúd sináng botílya. The smell of the medicine in that bottle is filling the air. The medicine in that bottle is spoilt (not having been closed well). Sungsungí ang tolotádyaw sing hugút, nga índì magsungáw. Cork (Close) the vial tight-to keep out air,-lest air should get in. Nasungawán akó sang báhò sang bulúng. I noticed the smell of the medicine escaping from its receptacle.



(B) To wonder, marvel, be astonished, be taken aback, be surprised (at anything happening unexpectedly). (see búlung, tingála).



(B) To be surprised, astonished, taken aback, to marvel, wonder, be struck with astonishment or wonder. Nagatalobokón (Ginatalobokón) akó kanímo. (Natingála (Nagakatingála) akó sa ímo). I am surprised at you. You astonish me. (see búlung, tingála).



Wonder, marvel; wonderful, marvellous, wondrous, prodigious, stupendous, extraordinary, miraculous; to be or become wonderful, etc. (see makatalanhágà, katanhagáan, tingála, búlung, katingaláhan).

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