Search result(s) - palónos



Resources, means, something to fall back upon. Walâ na kamí sing saráng ikapalónos (ikapalólos) sa íya. We cannot help him, for our resources are exhausted. We cannot support him, we can no longer bear with him, or the like. May palónos pa siá sa pagpadáyon sang íya sugál. He still has the wherewithal to continue gambling. May ipalónos siá sa pagpugúng sang íya kaákig. He found strength to suppress his anger. (see palólos).



To grant, consent, concede, Palonósi ang íya nga ginapangabáy. Grant his request. Concede his petition. (see sugút).



Means of escape; assets, resources, something to rely upon or to fall back upon (in time of need). Walâ kitá sing palólos (ipalólos ikapalólos) nga kwárta. We have no money, are poor or out of cash. May palólos pa siá. There is yet a remedy for him. He has yet some means (of escape). (see palónos, palús).

paróros, parorós


(B) To concede, grant, etc. See palónos.



(Sp. remedio) Remedy, help, cure, resource, refuge, reparation, means. Walâ na sing rimédyo, índì na makitáan sing bulúng. There is no help any more, it is past cure. Ang íya balatían walâ na sing rimédyo. His sickness is past cure. Tahór (makáwat) siá nga waláy rimédyo. He is an inveterate (incorrigible) gambler (thief). But it may also mean: He is a gambler (thief) that has not become rich (does not prosper) in his profession. Sa súbung siní walâ akó sing kwárta nga ibáyad ko sa ímo, ápang pagarimedyohán ko gid sa sulúd sang isá ka simána. Just at present I have no money to pay you, but I shall certainly find the money within the week. Anó nga bulúng ang maáyo nga irimédyo sa síkmat? What is a good remedy for back-ache (for rheumatism in the back)? (see palónos, paaliwánsan, bulúng, ripára).