The temple, the part of the head between the ear and forehead. (see dungán-dúngan).
The fat, the soft and most savoury part of a crab's meat, especially applied to the alimángo-crab. Only well developed crabs have aligí.
Having much aligí; rich, wealthy, well-to-do, influential. (see bangkílan, manggáran, manggaránon).
Lies, untruths, invented stories. Butígis lang ang íya nga sinúgid. What he told were mere stories, inventions, fabrications. (see butíg).
(Probably a corruption of the Sp negrita). A term of contempt for women: a worthless, despicable or dissolute woman. (see hirigíta).
A kind of bird whose name resembles its cry; to flirt, attract notice, show off, try to make a good impression on others or to impose on them. Tulúka yanáng mga dalága nga nagagirigityáw. Look at those coquettish girls.
(H) Post, pillar, column, shaft, support, upright; to use, make or provide a post, etc. Halígya iníng páyhod. Make a post of this páyhod-tree. Ihalígi ko iníng kamúnsil sa ákon baláy. I am going to use this camunsil-tree as a post for my house. Pagahalígyan ko ang ákon kamálig sing káhoy. I'll put up wooden posts for my hut. Ang mga hinalígi sang isá ka balasahón. The columns of a newspaper.
To cleave, split, rend, tear, sunder, break asunder (cloth, etc.); open a way through a crowd, make a passage. Naghígin ang ákon dáan nga báyò, kay ginpapák sing lakás sang labandéra. My old jacket was torn, because the washerwoman beat it too hard. Higína ang mga táo sa dálan, kay maági ang trak. Part the people on the road for the truck will pass. Naghígin ang mga táo sa dálan sang paglubás sang prosisyón. The people on the road cleared the way when the procession passed. (see háwà).
(H) Made into posts or columns, after the manner of posts, etc.; column (of a news-paper).
A small amount of liquid excrement: to evacuate or discharge an "igít". Ang bátà nagigít sa íya delárgo, kay nagapanlibáng siá. The boy soiled his pants a little, for he is suffering from diarrhoea.
A small amount of liquid excrement: to evacuate or discharge an "igít". Ang bátà nagigít sa íya delárgo, kay nagapanlibáng siá. The boy soiled his pants a little, for he is suffering from diarrhoea.
See ihíd, ihídihíd. Ginihígihíg gid siá sang íya mga ginikánan. He was quite neglected by his parents.
See ihíd, ihídihíd. Ginihígihíg gid siá sang íya mga ginikánan. He was quite neglected by his parents.
A beautiful flowering plant.
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