Search result(s) - ígi



A suffix of verbs that have a passive in-on. This suffix occurs in the following tenses:

1.) The passive impersonal imperative. Buháta iní. Do this. (búhat, buháton). Higugmaá kag tahúra (-úda) ang ímo ginikánan. Love and respect your parents, (higúgma, higugmaón; táhud, tahúron, tahúdon).

2.) The passive negative past. Walâ níya pagbuháta iní. He did not do this. Walâ ni la pagtumána ang íla katungdánan. They have not fulfilled their duties, (túman, tumánon).

3.) The passive negative present. Sa karón walâ na níya pagaúmha iníng bánglid. He now no longer tills this slope, (umá, úmhon). Tungúd sang kadamuón sang íla mga páhò, walâ na níla pagaisípa, kóndì ginosokób na lang sa pasungán. Owing to the great quantity of their mangoes they no longer count them, but measure them by the bushel. (ísip, isípon). Ngáa man nga walâ mo pagapatindogá ang halígi? Why are you not setting up the post? (pa, tíndog, tindogón).



To chip-, trim-, dress-, hew-, wood by cutting or splitting off small pieces. Agsapí ang káhoy. Dress the wood by chipping. Inágsap nga káhoy. A chip-, splinter-, of wood. Ang mga inágsap sang kawáyan ginapaámak sa kaláyo. Bamboo-trimmings are useful for lightning or kindling a fire. Iágsap akó ánay siníng káhoy. Please trim this piece of wood for me. Nagtínlò na ang inagsapán nga halígi. The post that was trimmed has become smooth. Paagsapá ang pánday siníng halígi. Let the carpenter trim this post. (see sápsap).



That, in order that, so that; agúd índì or agúd dílì-lest, in order that not. Magtoón kamó, agúd magálam. Study, that you may become learned. Basáha ang tulún-an sing matalupángdon, agúd ímo masáyran ang ginabása mo. Read the book with attention, in order that you may understand what you read. Kápti ang alobáybay, agúd índì ka mahúlog. Keep hold of the handrail, lest you should fall down. Amligí ang pagdalá mo siníng báso, agúd dílì mabúong. Carry this glass with care, in order that it may not break. N.B. The particle "nga" is frequently added to agúd (agúd nga, agúd nga dílì, etc.), but it may be left out without change of meaning.



(H) Anger, ire, wrath, rage, passion, choler, fury, indignation; to be or make angry, become angry, irate, wroth, wrathful, furious, indignant. Indì ka magákig or mangákig. Don't be angry. Tî, kon may salâ ang bátà mo akígi kag hanóta. Well, if your boy is at fault, show him your displeasure and give him a whipping. Indì mo siá pagakígan, kay dílì siá amó ang may salâ. Don't be angry with him, for he is not the one to blame. Indì ka ánay maghámbal sa íya, kay básì maákig siá. Don't talk to him now, for he may get angry. Inakígan níya gid ang ámon paglatás sa íya nga talámnan. He flew in a rage, because we had cut straight across his field.



Rancidity, rankness of taste or smell; to become rancid, rank, strong-scented, turn bad, said of fats, oils, bacon and the like. Nagálan na galî ang tosíno. After all the bacon has gone rancid. Naalánan akó sang búnga. I became dizzy from chewing betelnut. Amligí ang mantéka, agúd índì magálan. Take care of the lard, lest it should turn bad.



(H) Fit for-, capable of-, being made into lime; to be converted into lime (for betelnut chewing, building purposes, etc.). Bató nga alapogón. Stones convertible into lime. Many shells like those of the ígi, tamburúkò, tibótíbo, awís, etc. are "alapogón" for betelnut chewing. (see ápog).



To remain awake, watch, keep vigil, stay up waiting for somebody, etc. Aligmatá akó túbtub nga magabút akó. Stay awake for me till I come. Magalígmat kamó. Keep vigil. Stay awake. (see puláw).



Having much aligí, etc. See aligianán.



Care, attention, caution; to handle with care, to guard well or be careful with. Amligí ang bág-o nga kínke. Handle the new lamp with care. Ginamligán níya ang íya panápton, agúd índì mabulingán. He was careful with his clothes, lest they should become soiled. Iámlig akó ánay siní. Please take care of this for me. Paamligán mo sa íya ang mga báso, agúd nga dílì mabúong. Tell him to handle the glasses with care, lest they should be broken. Ipaámlig sa íya ang tanán nga mga galamitón sa baláy. Let him look carefully after all the furniture in the house. (see ándam, kaámlig, mainamlígon).



(B) To keep vigil, watch, keep or remain awake, to watch over or by. Nagamoláw silá sa masakít or ginamolawán níla ang masakít. They watched by the sick person during the night. Iamoláw akó ánay siníng masakít nga bátà. Please watch over this sick child for me. Ipaamoláw ko ikáw sa íya. I'll let you watch by him during the night (see puláw, alígmat).



First, before something else; Wait a little! Have a little patience. Kindly-. Be good enough to-. Please. Makádto pa akó ánay dídto. First I'll go there. Hulát ánay. Wait a little. Anay! Have a little patience! Wait a little! Bulígi akó ánay. Kindly help me. Anay pa. Forbear still a little. Tabángi akó ánay, kon mga saráng. Be good enough to help me, if possible.

-ánay, A suffix denoting reciprocity. Nagahigugmaánay silá. They love each other. Nagsondánay silá. They followed one another. At times "ánay" is shortened to "-ay". Nakasugataáy silá. They met each other. Nakakitaáy silá. They saw each other.



(Sp. apurar) To hasten, make haste, hurry, be quick, do quickly, push on with. Apurahá ang pagpatíndog sang halígi. Get the post put up quickly. Magapurá ka sa íya sa pagpaúlì. Urge him to go home at once. Apurahá silá sa paghalín. Get them to leave soon. (see alipasá, dalî).



(Sp. arriesgar) In the Visayan language this term has almost completely lost its original meaning "to risk, dare, venture" and now commonly signifies: to gain, make a profit, derive a pecuniary advantage from various enterprises, to make a bargain, buy, purchase. Nakaarísgal akó sa ákon punút sing isá ka gatús ka mángmang. I had a clear profit of one hundred pesos from my fish-trap. Mangarísgal akó. I am looking out for money, for something to yield me a profit. Arisgalí akó sing kálò. Get me a hat. Buy me a hat (at a bargain). (see patikáng, pangítà).



To strip, split, separate fibre (of hemp, etc.). Bagnosí ang lánot. Strip the hemp. (see kigí).



(H) Cold rice, cold food; to become cold (of food); to be cold or indifferent (as regards religion, etc.). May báhaw kamó? Have you any cold rice? Ang kán-on nagbáhaw na. The rice has got cold. Pamáhaw-to breakfast, eat cold food, from the fact that the rice taken at breakfast has usually been cooked the day before. (see kápog, táhaw, búgnaw).



(H) String, cord, twine, rope, etc. used to wind around an object; to wind or twist round. Diín ang písì nga balalámbud? Where is the cord for winding or coiling round? Nagabalámbud silá sang písì sa halígi. They are winding the cord around the post. Balamburí (-udí) ang halígi sing pís-i. Coil a rope around the post. Ibalámbud ang písì sa halígi. Wind the cord round the post. (see barámbud, sabúd, sámbud, salámbud, sámbad, kámbad).



To wind, roll, twine, twist round, encircle, enwreath, wreath round. Ang kalát nabalibód sa súngay sang karabáw. The rope is twisted round the buffalo's horn. Ibalibód ang písì sa halígi. Twine the string round the post. (see sabúd, balámbud, etc.).

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