Illegitimate, adulterine, spurious, bastard, offspring of adultery.
To cook fish, meat, etc. in very little water mixed with vinegar and various spices. The concoction (inon-onán) is usually served with little or no sauce. On-oní ang ísdà. Cook the fish in the ón-on way. Isdà nga inon-onán. A dish of highly seasoned fish.
Illegitimate, adulterine, spurious, bastard, offspring of adultery.
To cook fish, meat, etc. in very little water mixed with vinegar and various spices. The concoction (inon-onán) is usually served with little or no sauce. On-oní ang ísdà. Cook the fish in the ón-on way. Isdà nga inon-onán. A dish of highly seasoned fish.
(B) To wind and double yarn or thread on a reel. Alon-oná iníng isá ka ágpang nga bunáng. Wind up and double this hank of yarn. Iníng bunáng alon-onón (ialón-on) ko sa alon-onán. This yarn I am going to wind up and pair on the doubling-machine. Ialón-on mo akó ánay siníng bunáng. Kindly double this yarn for me on the doubling machine.
(B) A device for winding up and doubling or pairing yarn for weaving purposes, a doubling-machine or doubling-reel.
A dish of fish or meat mixed with vinegar, various spices or ingredients, etc., but with little or no sauce; a dish of mixed vegetables, salad. (see ón-on).
A dish of fish or meat mixed with vinegar, various spices or ingredients, etc., but with little or no sauce; a dish of mixed vegetables, salad. (see ón-on).