Search result(s) - bahál



Stale, flat, sour, of yesterday, applied to palm-wine or toddy; stale, of yesterday, old, applied to meat and other food-stuffs; to get stale, etc. Ang tubâ nga nakúhà sa hápon kag naagahán ginatawág nga bahál. Tuba gathered in the afternoon and left over till next morning is called "bahál". Dílì mo pagpabahalón ang tubâ. Don't let the palm-wine go stale or sour. Kárne nga bahál. Yesterday's meat.



Rotten, putrid, decayed, stale, bad smelling, said of fish, meat, etc., corrupt, putrescent, bad, tainted, foul, fetid, evil smelling, stinking, malodorous. Nagalúb-uk lang dirí ang ísdà kay walâ sing nagabakál. The fish is just rotting here, for there are no buyers. Ibalígyà ang kárne sing madalî, agúd índì maglúb-uk. Sell the meat quickly or it will spoil. Nalub-ukán akó sing madámù nga ísdà; dakû ang ákon kaperdihán. Quite a lot of my fish went rotten; my loss is great. (see dúnut, dunút, hurô, bahál).