Kidneys, reins; cartilage, gristle. (see batóbáto).
Dim. of bató. Also: To use small stones, fill or line with pebbles or the like. Batóbatóhi ang bubón. Cover the bottom of the water-hole or bathing place with pebbles.
Dim. of bató. Also: to do a little at a time, pick up here and there, read and spell at the same time, do falteringly or haltingly, do or let do by turns and the like. Ginbatóbató silá sang Párì sang mga tóksò. The Parish-Priest picked out several questions from the catechism for them to answer one by one. Nagabatóbató siá sa pagbása. He reads with difficulty, falteringly, stumbling over syllables, etc.