Search result(s) - dalíngag



A prickle, spine, spur, sharp thorn or prick sticking out of the ground, sharp, prickly shoots near the ground peculiar to some creepers and very painful to the bare foot, if accidentally trodden upon.



(B) Thorn, prick, prickle, barb, spike, spine, point; to prick, scatter-, strew with-, thorns, etc. Nadógi ang tiíl ko. My foot was pricked by a thorn. Sín-o ang nagdógi sang dálan? Who strewed the road with thorns? Who scattered thorns on the road? Gindogíhan (gindógian) níla ang kodál sang pamulákan. They put thorns in the garden-fence. Iníng kamúnsil idógi ko sa dálan sa binít sang ákon umá, agúd índì masúdlan sang mga háyup. These camunsel-branches with their prickles I will put on the road near the edge of my field, so that animals cannot enter. (see súyak, dalíngag, tunók).



To look about curiously, inquisitively, warily, narrowly, or closely. Anó ang ginaholónghólong mo nga daw haló? Why are you looking about so curiously like an iguana? Indì ka magholónghólong kon umatúbang ka sa punoán. Don't look about curiously, when you are in presence of one in authority. Holóngholóngi sing maáyo, kay básì may dalíngag sa bánas. Look out well or carefully, for there may be sharp thorns on the path. (see lísi, lisílísi).



Dim. and Freq. of íkang. Nagaikángíkang siá kon maglakát, kay may rióma siá sa íya nga páa. He walks with a slight limp-or-he limps slightly when he walks (in his walk) for he suffers from rheumatism in his legs. Nagikángíkang siá kahápon, kay sinúyak siá sing dalíngag. Yesterday he limped a little, for a sharp thorn had pricked him.



Dim. and Freq. of íkang. Nagaikángíkang siá kon maglakát, kay may rióma siá sa íya nga páa. He walks with a slight limp-or-he limps slightly when he walks (in his walk) for he suffers from rheumatism in his legs. Nagikángíkang siá kahápon, kay sinúyak siá sing dalíngag. Yesterday he limped a little, for a sharp thorn had pricked him.



A sharp splinter. (see súyak, úngon, dalíngag, dógi).



Thorn, prick, prickle, a sharp splinter; to prick, said of thorns, etc. Andam ka, agúd índì ka masúyak sang matalíwis nga mga inágsap. Take care, lest the sharp chips should prick you. Nasúyak siá sang tunúk. He was pricked by a thorn. (see tunúk, úngon, dalíngag, dógi).



(H) A thorn, prick, prickle, spine, barb, spike; to prick. Natunúk akó. I was pricked by a thorn. (see dúgi, dalíngag, úngon, tulúslok).



A sharp point, prick, prickle, thorn, splinter; sting, pain (as caused by the prick of anything sharp-pointed). (see úngon, dalíngag, súyak, tunúk, báslay, dúgi).



A sharp point, prick, prickle, thorn, splinter; sting, pain (as caused by the prick of anything sharp-pointed). (see úngon, dalíngag, súyak, tunúk, báslay, dúgi).



Prick, prickle, thorn, spine, splinter. (see dalíngag, súyak, tunúk, dúgi).



Prick, prickle, thorn, spine, splinter. (see dalíngag, súyak, tunúk, dúgi).