Search result(s) - gayúd



Real, true, perfect, thorough; very, verily, truly, really, in very truth, in truth, of a truth, in fact, forsooth, in sooth, absolutely, thoroughly, utterly, quite, wholly, perfectly. Ang íya nga kaísug amó ang isá ka kaísug nga gayúd. His bravery was bravery indeed. Patíha akó, kay ang ginasilíng ko sa ímo matúod nga gayúd. Believe me, for what I am telling you is absolutely true. (see gid).



Very, truly, in truth, in very truth, of a truth, really, indeed, certainly, surely, in fact, forsooth, in sooth, sheer, perfectly, absolutely. Dakû gid nga baláy. A very large house. Masakít gid iní. This is very painful. Matúod gid iní. It is perfectly true. Amó gid iní. That is it, exactly. Magkádto ka gid dídto. Be sure to go there. Go there without fail. (see gayúd).



Dim. and Freq. of hánas. Kinahánglan nga gayúd nga hanáshanáson mo gid ang pagsulát, kon may hándum ikáw sa pagsulúd sa pagkamamantálà. It is indispensable for you to practise writing constantly, if you wish to enter the profession of a news-reporter.



Pulling, tugging, hauling, haling, dragging, lugging, trailing, traction; to haul, drag, pull, hale, tug, trail along the ground. Maggúyud na kitá sang mga kawáyan nga pulúnton. Let us now haul in the bamboos for the fish-corrals. Guyúda (-yúra) ang kawáyan. Drag the bamboo along the ground. Ginagúyud lang níya ang kóla sang íya sáya. She is trailing the train of her gown along the floor. Anó ang igúyud mo sa káhoy? Báka, ukón karabáw? How will you haul in the wood? By means of an ox or a buffalo? Pagayúdi (-yúri) akó sa íla sing ísa ka gatús ka bílog nga kawáyan. Let them haul in for me one hundred pieces of bamboo. Ipagúyud ko sa karabáw iníng halalígyon. I'll make the buffalo tug this tree that is to be made into a post. (see gánoy).