Search result(s) - hádal



To dull, blunt, take off the edge; be or become blunt. Halá, hadála ang lansítas ko. Hey, take the edge off my pocket-knife. Naghádal ang binángon, kay ginpaági mo sa bató. The bolo is blunted, for you passed it over a stone. (see hídal, hábul).



To blunt, dull, take off the edge. Indì mo paghidálon ang ákon binángon. Don't blunt the edge of my bolo. (see hábul, hádal).



To abate, diminish, slacken, languish, flag, dwindle, decrease, have the edge taken off, to blunt, dull. Walâ pa pagúdal ang pamaligyáon sa tínda (tiénda). Selling at the market is quite brisk still (has not slackened, grown dull, fallen off). Walâ pagúdal ang íya pamatásan. His habits are firmly rooted, difficult to reform or to eradicate. Indì mo pagudálon ang binángon. Don't blunt the bolo. (see búhin, hábul, hídal, hádal).



To abate, diminish, slacken, languish, flag, dwindle, decrease, have the edge taken off, to blunt, dull. Walâ pa pagúdal ang pamaligyáon sa tínda (tiénda). Selling at the market is quite brisk still (has not slackened, grown dull, fallen off). Walâ pagúdal ang íya pamatásan. His habits are firmly rooted, difficult to reform or to eradicate. Indì mo pagudálon ang binángon. Don't blunt the bolo. (see búhin, hábul, hídal, hádal).