Search result(s) - iwád



With a prominent haunch, bottom, posterior; one who has conspicuously projecting buttocks or walks with the body inclined forward. Iwád siá nga táo. His buttocks are prominent. Nagalakát siá sing iwád. He sticks out his posterior when he walks.



With a prominent haunch, bottom, posterior; one who has conspicuously projecting buttocks or walks with the body inclined forward. Iwád siá nga táo. His buttocks are prominent. Nagalakát siá sing iwád. He sticks out his posterior when he walks.



To bend the body a little forward and push with one's back. Indì ka magíswad sa ákon. Don't push me with your back. Giniswarán (-adán) akó níya. He pushed me with his back. (see iwád).



To bend the body a little forward and push with one's back. Indì ka magíswad sa ákon. Don't push me with your back. Giniswarán (-adán) akó níya. He pushed me with his back. (see iwád).



To move the buttocks up and down conspicuously. Nagaiwáliwál ang bulî níya kon maglakát. When he walks his buttocks move up and down conspicuously. Indì ka magpaiwáliwál sang bulî mo kon maglakát ikáw. Don't move your posterior up and down in such a fashion, when you walk. (see iwád, íswad).



To move the buttocks up and down conspicuously. Nagaiwáliwál ang bulî níya kon maglakát. When he walks his buttocks move up and down conspicuously. Indì ka magpaiwáliwál sang bulî mo kon maglakát ikáw. Don't move your posterior up and down in such a fashion, when you walk. (see iwád, íswad).



To reel, stagger, be very unsteady on one's legs, be unable to stand or walk straight, as a drunken person. Paniwáding supposes a greater degree of unsteadiness than dulíngdúling.



Reeling, stumbling, tottering; to reel, stumble, totter, as a drunken person, or the like. (see paniwáding, dulíngdúling).



To be shaky or wobbly, swing to and fro, walk with a halt, to limp; to persuade, dissuade, induce, convince, gain over to one's point of view. Indì gid mawáding si Fuláno. N.N. cannot be persuaded (convinced, turned from his purpose by argument or entreaty, or the like), (see dîmawáding, paniwáding, bawód, bayúd, daúg, dalá, daládála, wánding).