Search result(s) - kobál



Curve, fold, plait; enclosure, entrenchment, fence. (see kobál).



To form curves, waves and creases as a mat, an uneven ground or the like. Anó na man ang sa idálum sang mantél, kay nagakobál sa tungâ? What is lying under the tablecloth, because there is a bump in the middle?



To stick, adhere to (as plaster, paste, glue, gum, or the like). Ang sílyo nagadukót sa sóbre. The stamp adheres firmly to the envelope. Nagdukót ang lúnang sa ákon báyò. The mud stuck to my coat. Sín-o ang nagpadukót siníng papél sa ganháan? Who pasted this paper on the door? Nadúktan ang ákon delárgo sang ápog. My trousers were plastered with lime. Padúkta sing má-áyo iníng abíso, kay nagakóbal. Paste this notice on well, for it is not smooth. Ipadukót sa díngding iníng estámpa. Paste this picture on the wall. (see pilít, dokót id.).