Search result(s) - línis



See hínis-to rub, polish, etc.



Shiny, shining, bright, polished. (see línis, mahíning).



(Sp. violinista) Violinist; violin-player.

hilínis, hilinís


Polish, polishing powder; dentifrice. (see hínis).



To peel-, strip-, flake-, scale-, off, take off in thin layers. Napásò siá kag nadúl-ak ang pánit sa íya bútkon. He was scorched and the skin peeled off his arm. Nadul-akán ang ákon batíis, kay liniswahán ni Pédro sing maínit nga túbì. The skin of my calf came off in scales, for Peter had poured scalding water over it. (see ál-al, ák-ak, bák-bak, óklab, ukáb).



The way of cooking eggs without the use of lard or water, by first opening and beating them, then placing the mass on, or between, leaves and the latter into the pan or over live coals; to prepare eggs in that way. Lisága ang ítlog. Prepare the eggs in the lísag-manner. Lisági akó sing tátlo ka bílog nga ítlog. Cook three eggs for me in the lísag way. Ilísag mo akó siníng mga ítlog. Kindly prepare these eggs for me in the lísag style. Ginanamítan ang ibán sang mga ítlog nga linísag (nahímos sa lísag). Some relish eggs prepared according to the lísag recipe.



(Sp. lista) List, record, memorandum; to list, enlist, enrol, enter a name, make a memorandum. Listahá silá. Enlist their names. Ilísta akó ánay sang ákon ngálan. Please enlist my name. Ipalísta silá. Have them enrolled. Get them to enlist. Mapalísta na kamí. We are now going to have our names put down in the register. Iníng tulún-an amó ang linistahán sang tanán nga mga umalamót. This book contains the names of all contributors or subscribers. Diín ang lísta sang mga katápù? Where is the record of the members? (see pasulát, listáhan, pagkítan).



To pour hot water, etc., on or over something, put into hot water. Liswahí ang báboy, kay kiskisán ko. Pour hot water over the pig, for I am going to scrape off its bristles. Liswahán mo ánay ang mga pínggan kag ugáling pahíran mo kag pamálhon (pamálon). Put the plates first into hot water, then wipe and dry them. Ilíswa ang túbig sa pínggan. Pour hot water over the plate, wash the plate with hot water. Liniswahán ko ang dalók nga idô. I poured hot water on the greedy dog.