Search result(s) - líw-as



To overlap, stick out at the side of, protrude, dislocate completely. Papaá ang lánsang sing matádlung, agúd índì maglíw-as. Drive the nail in straight, so that it may not come out at the side. Naglíw-as ang íya túl-an. His bone stuck out or protruded. Nagliw-as ang íya bútkon. His arm was dislocated. (see súlpò, lúak).



To break, disjoint, put out of joint, dislocate, disunite, by twisting a finger or the like. Nagitô ang íya túdlò. His finger was broken at the joint. Gingitô níya ang túdlò ni Fuláno. He broke (by twisting) the finger of N.N. Gingitoán níya si Fuláno sing isá ka túdlò. He twisted and broke one of N.N.'s fingers. He dislocated one of N.N.'s fingers. (see líw-as, súlpò).

lúak, lú-ak


To dislocate, break or separate joints. Luáka ang pákpak sang manók. Break off the chicken's wing. Nalúak ang íya bútkon. His arm was dislocated. Ginlúak gid lang níya sang íya kamót ang páa sang manók. He simply tore off the chicken's leg with his hand. Nahúlug siá sa lubí kag nalúak ang íya abága. He fell from a coconut palm and dislocated his shoulder. (see súlpò, líw-as).



To dislocate, dislodge, sprain; to be a candidate for a second term of office. Nasúlpò (Nagkasúlpò) ang íya abága. His shoulder was dislocated. Si Fuláno nagpasúlpò, ápang walâ siá pagsulpoá sang mga pumililî. N.N. offered his candidacy again, but the electors did not return him to office. Ginsúlpò níla ang dáan nga pangúlo-bánwa. They voted again for the old Municipal President. (see líw-as, lúak).



Sprain; to partially dislocate, sprain, strain (the muscles). Natipalô (Nagkatipalô) ang íya tiíl sa bató. On account of a stone his foot was sprained. He turned his ankle on a stone. (see líw-as, lutá, lúak, súlpo).