Hiligaynon Dictionary
Audacious, daring, reckless, rash, foolhardy, venturesome, temerarious, impertinent, shameless, bold. (see káhas).
Having a big liver; brave, bold, courageous, unafraid, fearless, undaunted, intrepid. (see maísug, matútum, isganán, makáhas, etc. in the sense of not being easily scared).
Bold, daring, etc. See maaháng. (see ahás, makáhas).
Daring, audacious, bold, venturesome. (see makáhas, dahás).
(B) Daring, bold, defiant, impertinent, audacious, insolent, froward; cunning, resourceful. (see rárang, makáhas, masúpug, maaháng, malálang).
Daring, audacious, bold, defiant, impertinent, reckless, impudent, insolent, foolhardy, rash, venturesome, brave, violent. (see súpug, makáhas, maaháng, maísug, masurísol).