Search result(s) - malaláton



Infectious, contagious, spreading, catching, epidemic. (see latón, manlaláton).



To infect, taint with, contaminate, be contagious, infectious, catching, spread from one to the other. Andam ka, agúd ang balatían sang útud mo índì makalatón sa ímo. Be on your guard, lest your brother's disease should infect you also. Nalátnan or linátnan akó sang íya nga katúl. I have become infected with his skin-disease called katúl. May katalágman nga ang ibán nga mga bánwa pagalátnan man sang kolerá. There is danger that the cholera will spread to other towns. Indì ka magsímpon sa íla, kay básì malátnan ikáw sang maláut níla nga batásan. Do not associate yourself with them, for you might be contaminated by their vicious habits. (see manlaláton, malaláton).



Spreading, catching, taking, infectious, contagious, epidemic, epidemical. (see latón, malaláton).