Search result(s) - píghol



Hardened or lumpy rice; clod, lump, cluster, mass (of rice, earth, or the like, sticking together). (see bigól, púg-a, pugá).

bigól, bígol


Hardened, caked; to harden, become caked. Nagbigól ang lúnang sa íya panápton. The mud hardened on his clothes. Nabigolán ang ákon delárgo sing pínta. My trousers are (were) stiff with dry paint or some paint has hardened on my trousers. (see ápol, ákmol, bágtik, pígol, píghol).



Clod, lump, mass (of earth, etc.). (see pugá, píghol, dáay).



To crush, pulverize, grind, pound or bray (in a mortar), crumble, powder; reduce to powder, comminute, triturate, break into fine particles by pressure; to become crushed or broken into small pieces. Modmorá ang karamélo, ang píghol, etc. Crush the caramel, the lump of rice, etc. Namódmod ang biskótso tungúd sang lumpálúmpa sang trak. The biscuits got crumbled owing to the jolting of the truck. Minódmod nga tinápay, kalámay, bugás, etc. Crumbled bread, powdered sugar, ground rice, etc. (see múdmud, bókbok, pódpod).



Separate, disjoined, broken up in pieces; to be or become broken up, etc. Pagáypay na ang píghol nga kán-on, ang bilóg nga kalámay, etc. The lump of rice has been broken up, the compact mass of sugar has crumbled, etc.



Difficult to swallow; a soft or very brittle lump of earth, sand, sugar, etc.; to be or become difficult to swallow, etc. (see pugá, bigól, pígol, píghol, bilóg).