Search result(s) - bilóg



Line, wire, string, rope, for drying clothes upon. Ihaláy sa bílog ang ákon báyò nga humóg sa bálhas. Hang on the line my jacket that is wet with perspiration. (see salabláyan, písì, alámbre).



One piece or article, a whole, particularly applied to things that are roundish or cubical. (see báto, bóo, boók).



Whole, entire, complete, integral, full, all together, no part missing; solid, not hollow; to make or form a whole, etc. Láwas kag kalág amó ang nagabilóg sa táo. Body and soul form the whole man. Ginkabilogán sang mga pumulúyò ang íla nga pándut. The inhabitants were all united for the celebration of their feast. Bilogón mo ang tsokoláte, dílì mo pagtabliyahón. Make the chocolate up in roundish lumps, not in tablets or slabs. Ibilóg akó ánay siníng sensílyo ko nga salapî. Kindly give me a "salapî" for these fifty centavos. Ginkabilogán níla ang amó nga sulát. They wrote that letter in common-or-they all agreed to despatch that letter. Nagbilóg ang duhá níla ka tagiposóon. Their two hearts were as one. Ginhatágan níya akó sing isá ka páhò nga bilóg. He gave me a whole mango. (i.e. not only part of it).



To pout, to sulk, to say "A", "Hem" and the like in ill-humour, or in rejecting a favour, or refusing a kindness. Anó ang ginaákra mo? Why are you so sulky? What causes you to pout or sulk? Ginhatágan ko ikáw sing duhá ka bílog nga páhò kag nagákra pa ikáw? I gave you two mangoes and still you are discontented?



To add, superadd, throw in, give something in addition to what has been bought or is contracted for. Amáni akó sing isá ka gamól nga humáy. Add one handful of rice gratis or give me one handful of rice over (in addition to my share for harvesting, etc.). Iaman mo sa ákon iníng isá ka bílog nga ísdà. Let me have this fish too (in addition to the fish I have bought, etc.). Also used as a noun. Walâ sing áman? Is there no gratis-addition? May diótay gid man nga áman kon matambingán mo ang báyad. There is a little more thrown in, if you pay spot cash. (see támba, dúgang).



Dim. of báhin. To divide into parts of various sizes, to divide or share out unequally. Malápad kaáyo ang íya mga palangúmhan, ápang dílì bilóg, kóndì bináhinbáhin. His plantation is very extensive, though not in one stretch, but distributed in several lots.



To cut open, cleave, cut in two, lay bare with a strong blow from an edged tool, to split with a sharp instrument. Balangkaá ang lubí. Split the coconut. Ginbalángkà níya sang binángon ang úlo ni Fuláno. With his bolo he cleft N.N.'s head. Ibalángkà akó ánay siníng duhá ka bílog nga lubí. Kindly split-, cut open-, these two coconuts for me. (see bukâ, píhak).



(Sp. bastidor) Embroidery-frame, rod for curtains, hangings, decorations, etc. (see alóghog, balayán, pángkog, balískog, bílog).



A complete thing, a whole, a piece of anything round or cubical in shape, as an egg, ball, coconut, brick, etc. (see bílog, bóo, boók).



Dim. of bilóg. Also: lumpy, clumpy, full of small knots or clusters; to form small lumps, etc. Nagabilógbilóg iníng almidón. This starch is lumpy.



Full, complete, a whole piece of any roundish or massy body. (bílog; see bináto).



A piece of anything roundish or cubical, applied to eggs, various kinds of fruit, stones, etc. (see bílog, bátò, bináto, boók, binántuk, binángto).



Whole, entire, complete; to do something fully, completely, thoroughly. Ang búg-os nga panimaláy. The entire family. Sa búg-os níya nga kusúg. With all his strength. Bug-osá ang ímo hunâhúnà nga sa Manílà ka makádto. Make up your mind fully, that you will go to Manila. Bug-osí siá sang ímo pagtábang. Assist him with right good will. Give him all the help you can-or-that he needs. Ibúg-os mo ang paghátag sang ímo dútà sa ímo mga apó, kay walâ man ikáw sing anák nga buhî. Give all your land to your grandson, as you have no son living. (see tanán, bilóg).



(B) Anything set apart or kept for another; to set apart, put aside, reserve, keep for. Bulahiná iníng isá ka pínggan nga kán-on sa kay tátay. Keep this plate of rice for father. Bulahiní si nánay sing mamón. Set some cake apart for mother. Ibulahín akó ánay sing duhá ka bílog nga páhò, kay malúyag akó magkáon sinâ sa buás sa ága sa ákon pamáhaw. Please keep two mangoes for me, because I wish to eat them tomorrow morning at my breakfast. (see tigána, bílin, turá, salín).



Pure, unadulterated, unalloyed, undefiled; solid, not hollow. (see lubús, bilóg, búg-os, túnay, lúnsay, púro, hímpit).



(H) Large, great, big, important, vast, massive, ample, voluminous, huge, bulky; to be or become large, etc. Dakû nga táo. A great man. Dakû nga butáng. An important thing. Nagdakû na ang bátà. The child has grown big. Dakuá ang ákon báhin sang tinápay. Increase my share of the bread. Gindakû níla ang baláy nga sádto ánay diótay. They enlarged the house that formerly was so small. Padakuí akó sing isá ka bílog nga báboy, kay kon dakû na pagabáklon ko sa ímo. Raise a pig for me, for when it is of a good size, I will buy it from you. Ang láswa amó ang íya nadák-an (nadakuán). He was reared or brought up on vegetables. (see hánggud, dalágkù).



To bring-, take-, to, transfer, transmit, convey, transport, carry, bear, post, ship, mail. Idúl-ung mo inâ sa Ilóngílong. Take or carry that to Iloilo. Ipadúl-ung mo inâ sa Ilóngílong. Send that to Iloilo. Dul-ungí ang ákon baláy siníng bág-o nga baúl. Convey this new trunk to my home. Dinul-ungán níla kamí sing isá ka gatús ka bílog nga páhò. They brought us a hundred mangoes. (see hatúd, dalá).



(H) Old, ripe, ready to be plucked or harvested; to be or become old or ripe, ripen, mature. Gúlang na ang humáy mo; aníha (ánya) na lang. Your rice is ripe; harvest or reap it. Naggúlang na iníng mga ságing, búsà túb-on mo kag ibalígyà. These bananas are ripe now; therefore cut them and sell them. Indì mo ánay pagpopóon iníng mga páhò, kóndì pagulánga gid. Don't pick these mangoes yet, but let them ripen well. Pagulángi akó sing tátlo ka bílog nga talóng, kay binhión ko. Let three egg-plants mature for me, as I wish to use them for seed. (see lútò, tigúlang).



Pulling, tugging, hauling, haling, dragging, lugging, trailing, traction; to haul, drag, pull, hale, tug, trail along the ground. Maggúyud na kitá sang mga kawáyan nga pulúnton. Let us now haul in the bamboos for the fish-corrals. Guyúda (-yúra) ang kawáyan. Drag the bamboo along the ground. Ginagúyud lang níya ang kóla sang íya sáya. She is trailing the train of her gown along the floor. Anó ang igúyud mo sa káhoy? Báka, ukón karabáw? How will you haul in the wood? By means of an ox or a buffalo? Pagayúdi (-yúri) akó sa íla sing ísa ka gatús ka bílog nga kawáyan. Let them haul in for me one hundred pieces of bamboo. Ipagúyud ko sa karabáw iníng halalígyon. I'll make the buffalo tug this tree that is to be made into a post. (see gánoy).



Clothes-line, rope, string, long pole, on which clothes are hung out to dry. (see haláy, bílog, sabláyan, salabláyan).

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