Meaning of guláng



(B) To shout, scream, yell. Gulangí siá. Shout to him. (see gául, gúal, gáuy, turayáw, sínggit, pagaás, pugaás).



(H) Old, ripe, ready to be plucked or harvested; to be or become old or ripe, ripen, mature. Gúlang na ang humáy mo; aníha (ánya) na lang. Your rice is ripe; harvest or reap it. Naggúlang na iníng mga ságing, búsà túb-on mo kag ibalígyà. These bananas are ripe now; therefore cut them and sell them. Indì mo ánay pagpopóon iníng mga páhò, kóndì pagulánga gid. Don't pick these mangoes yet, but let them ripen well. Pagulángi akó sing tátlo ka bílog nga talóng, kay binhión ko. Let three egg-plants mature for me, as I wish to use them for seed. (see lútò, tigúlang).