Dam, dyke, weir, lock, weel; to dam, make a dam or dyke, build a barrier or weir in a river, etc. Ginapúndan níla ang kanál, ang kalóg, ang túbig, etc. They are building a dam across the channel, across the ditch, against the flow of water, etc. Ipúnud ang mga bató, káhoy, kawáyan, etc. Use stones, wood, bamboo, etc. to build the dam with.
Opening, gap, break, breach in a-dam,-dyke,-embankment,-levee, etc.; to open, breach a dam, etc. Buhángi ang kahón sang humáy. Make a gap in the bank of the rice-field. Ginbuhángan níla ang púnud sa subâ. They made a breach in the river-dyke. Ibúhang akó siníng púnud. Please, open this dyke for me. Nagasupón gid lang ang túbig dirí, kay walâ sing buhangán. The water, naturally, collects here, for there is no outlet.
To open or break-a dam,-a bank,-a dyke,-a levee; to make a gap in a dyke. Sín-o ang nagbúlwang sang púnud? Who made the breach in the dyke? Ginbúlwang sang túbig ang pasákà. The water made a gap in the irrigation dam. Bulwangí ang kahón sa tungâtúngà sang talámnan. Make an opening in the dyke near the middle of the field. (see búhang, búlhang).
A dam, dyke, burrock, weir, breakwater, levee; to build a dam or fence (of stones, stakes, twigs, bamboo, sand, etc.). Lapúgi ang subâ. Make a dam in the river-or-Dam the river. Ilápug iníng mga bató kag kawáyan. Use these stones and bamboos to build a burrock or weir. May lápug dirâ. There is a dam there. (see púnud).
A dam, weir, dyke, barrier (across a river, brook, etc.); to build a dam, weir, etc. (for irrigation or fishing). Paslongá ang sapâ. Build a dam across the brook. Paslongí ang umá sing túbig. Make a dam to irrigate the farm. (see púnud).
Weir, weel, fish-lock, fish-weir, fish-pond; to dam or dyke a sheet of water, enclose, confine, shut up. (see púnud).
To prevent, stop, forestall, keep off, stave off, forefend, fend off, ward off, parry a blow, hinder something from falling, etc. Sagangá ang íya binángon. Parry the blow from his bolo. Sagangá ang masakít, agúd índì matúmba. Save the sick man from falling to the ground. Ginsagáng níya sa ígò gid nga tión ang pagkahúlug sang bató. In the nick of time he kept the stone from falling. Isagáng sa túbig ang isá ka púnud. Stop the water by a dam. Keep the water back (Stem the water) by building a dyke.