To raise above, raise to a greater height than, make to overtop, make higher than something else; to be haughty, insolent, overbearing. Ginpalabáw níya ang atóp sang kosína sa mayór. He made the roof of the kitchen higher than the main roof. Indì ka magpalabáw sa ibán. Don't esteem yourself above others. Don't look down on others,
To cause to go over or across something, (pa, lábaw).
Over, above, higher, taller, excelling, exceeding; to surpass, exceed. Nagalabáw sa simbáhan iníng kawáyan. This bamboo is higher than the church. Nalabawán akó níya karón sa kataasón. He is now taller than myself. Ipalabáw ang áton hayáhay sa íla nga bandéra. Put our flag above their banner-or-raise our flag to a greater height than their banner. Si Fuláno labáw sing dungúg sa kay Pédro. N.N. is more famous than Peter. Indì ka magpalabáw. Don't be stuck-up or haughty.