To droop-, drop-, the head or hands in a lazy manner, to be-idle,-indolent,-dispirited, languish. (see dungángok, panimókò, pakuribúng, pamuágpuág, paligóy, pabánol, patáwhay, búog).
To stand about idle, stand leaning against a wall or the like. Indì kamó magpatupúng sa gangháan. Don't stand there in the doorway. Nagapatupúng gid lang silá dirâ sa kodál. They are leaning idly against the fence. (see táyod, pamuágpuág).
Loafing, standing idle, standing about lazily or idly. The Freq. pamuágpuág is usually employed as a verb and the form puágpuág as an adjective or noun.