Search result(s) - ság-ub



To draw water, fetch water. Magság-ub (or simply ság-ub) kaw (ka) sa subâ. Fetch water from the river. Sag-ubí akó ti (sing) túbig. Draw or fetch some water for me (from the well, fountain, river, etc.). Iság-ub ang láta. Use the can to fetch water in. Matámad tána (siá) magság-ub. He is too lazy to fetch water. (see agwáda).



(Sp. aguada) To get or fetch water (especially with two tins suspended from a pole carried over the shoulder). Agwáda ka or magagwáda ka sing túbig sa subâ kag dálha dirí. Fetch water from the river and bring it here. Agwadáhi akó sing túbig sa madalî, kay ilútò ko sa panyága. Fetch me some water at once, for I'm going to use it for cooking the dinner. (see ság-ub).



To dip in, to fill by dipping. Ialób-ob lang ang bayóng sa subâ. Just dip the bayóng into the river and fill it. Alob-obí ang agwadahán sing túbig. Fill the bucket with water by dipping. Ipaalób-ob ang bayóng sa kay Pédro. Let Peter dip the bayóng into the water and fill it. (see ság-ub, agwáda).



To shake empty, shake and pour out the contents of a sack or the like. Ihohô ang sáko. Shake out the contents of the sack. Hohoá ang kalámay sa bayóong. Pour the sugar out of the bag. Hohoí akó sing isá ka gántang nga humáy sa ság-ub. Pour me out one ganta of rice from the bamboo-receptacle. Ginhohó níya ang taón kag naggwâ ang mga katáng, uláng kag ísdà nga magamáy. He shook the small fish-trap and crabs, shrimps and small fish fell out.



(H) From where water is to be drawn, well, cistern, water-hole, river, etc.; any vessel for drawing water. (see ság-ub).



After, subsequently, having finished, immediately afterwards (after). This "ubús" is usually preceded by "sa" or "sang" and followed by potential verbal forms ma-, maka-, etc. e.g. Sang ubús na matápus ang íya hámbal--. After his speech--. Having had his say--. Sang ubús na siá makasulát tumíndog siá gilayón. Having finished his writing he stood up at once. Sa ubús mo makúhà ang koríyo kadtoí si Fuláno. First fetch the mail and then go over to N.N. Sa ubús ka mamáhaw magság-ub ka. After breakfast you shall fetch some water. (see tápus).



After, subsequently, having finished, immediately afterwards (after). This "ubús" is usually preceded by "sa" or "sang" and followed by potential verbal forms ma-, maka-, etc. e.g. Sang ubús na matápus ang íya hámbal--. After his speech--. Having had his say--. Sang ubús na siá makasulát tumíndog siá gilayón. Having finished his writing he stood up at once. Sa ubús mo makúhà ang koríyo kadtoí si Fuláno. First fetch the mail and then go over to N.N. Sa ubús ka mamáhaw magság-ub ka. After breakfast you shall fetch some water. (see tápus).