Search result(s) - támbing



Cash, for cash, hard (ready) cash, cash-price, cash-purchase, money (or its equivalent) paid immediately (promptly) after a purchase; to pay cash, do business on a cash-basis, pay down, make a bargain on cash-payment, pay at once (promptly). Gintámbing níya ang báyad. He paid on the spot. Tinambingán níya akó dáyon sang íya mga binakál. He paid me at once for what he had bought. Támbing gid ang báyad sa ámon ginabaligyaán. Our shop is doing business on a strict cash-down basis. Kon índì ka makatámbing sang báyad, índì akó magbalígyà siní sa ímo. If you cannot pay cash at once I will not sell it to you. Magbáyad ka sing támbing, índì ka magútang. Pay at once, don't make debts. (see kábis, ímpas, túmbas-to settle in full).



Payment, settlement, disbursement, expenditure, outlay; to pay, settle, spend, disburse. Magbáyad ka sang ímong útang. Pay (you must pay) your debt. Sa walâ sing báyad or sa waláy báyad. Without payment; gratis, free. Kón índì ka magbáyad sa íya karón, índì ka makaútang sa íya liwán. If you don't pay him now, you cannot get a loan from him again. Bayári na siá sang duhá ka mángmang nga ginhulám mo. Pay him now the two pesos you borrowed. Ibáyad mo sa íya ang napúlò ka mángmang nga útang mo sa íya. Pay him the ten pesos you owe him. Ang mga komersyánte malúyag sang mga súkì nga may batásan sa pagbáyad sing támbing. Dealers like customers that habitually pay cash. Nakabáyad ka sang relóh nga nabáton mo gíkan sa Manílà?-Hóo, dúgay na nga binayáran ko yádto. Have you paid for the watch you received from Manila?-Yes, I paid for it long ago. Walâ pa akó sing ikabáyad sa ímo. I have not yet got the means with which to pay you. Sa madalî ukón sa madúgay magabáyad gid siá sing mahál sang íya nga sináypan. Sooner or later he will pay dearly for his mistakes. Pabayára (-áda) siá. Make (let) him pay.



Price, cost, worth, charge; to be worth, cost, be the price of. Pilá ang bilí siní? How much is this? Nagabilí sing duhá ka písos. It costs two pesos. Pilá ang pagpabilí mo siní? How much do you charge for this? Pabilihí siá sing tátlo ka salapî sináng kálò. Charge him (Have him charged) one peso and fifty centavos for that hat. Pinabilihán akó níla sing támâ. They overcharged me. Bilihán mo kon pilá ang gústo mo nga ibáyad sinâ. Name the price you would be willing to pay for that. Ang humáy nga sádto nagabilí sing mamísos ang pásong nagabilí karón sing ápat ka písos. The rice that formerly cost one peso a bushel now costs four pesos. Nagabalígyà kamí sa kubús kag pát-ud nga bilí, ápang támbing ang báyad. We sell at a cheap and fixed price, but on a cash basis. (see kabilihánan).

tímpos, tímpus


To pay cash, pay in full, pay at once, settle or square an account. (see kábis, ímpas, túmbas, támbing).



To add, superadd, throw in, give something in addition to what has been bought or is contracted for. Amáni akó sing isá ka gamól nga humáy. Add one handful of rice gratis or give me one handful of rice over (in addition to my share for harvesting, etc.). Iaman mo sa ákon iníng isá ka bílog nga ísdà. Let me have this fish too (in addition to the fish I have bought, etc.). Also used as a noun. Walâ sing áman? Is there no gratis-addition? May diótay gid man nga áman kon matambingán mo ang báyad. There is a little more thrown in, if you pay spot cash. (see támba, dúgang).