(H) A tailor's shop, a dressmaker's shop, place (room) where clothes are made or where sewing is done. (see tahî).
Unseemly, unsightly, slovenly, not well done (of sewing, etc.). Kambúsà (Nagakambúsà) ang ági siníng mákina, siníng talahían, etc. No good sewing is done with this machine,-in this tailoring shop, etc. Also: A kind of small dog with curly hair.
(H) Embroidery, embroidery shop. Talahían kag palamugtákan. Dress-making and Embroidery. (see pamugtákpúgtak).
Things to be sewn or to be made into clothes; stuff, clothing material, broad stuff, dress-goods. (see talahían).
The threading of a needle; to thread a needle. Itánog sa dágum iníng hílo. Thread the needle with this thread. Tanógi ang dágum kag tahión mo ang gisî sang ákon báyò. Thread the needle and mend the tear in my jacket. Walâ gid siá pagtámwà sa talahían nga dílì gánì makahibaló bisán na lang magtánog sing dágum. She never even looks into the sewing room so that she does not know how to thread a needle.
(B) See talahían.