Strung together, strung on a rope, wire, etc., connected or fastened together with a string; a string or bundle of. (see tóhog).
Cut up and stringed together; a portion, lot or share (of pork, beef, fish, etc.); by the string or bundle tied together. Nakabakál akó sing kárne, ísdà, báboy, etc. nga sinágà. I bought some meat, fish, pork, etc. by the string, i.e. several pieces strung together. (see ságà, binúgsò, tinóhog, (búgsò, tóhog)).
(H) To form-pus,-matter, to suppurate, gather, fester, discharge purulent matter. Nagadalâ ang íya hubág. His boil is festering. Nagdalâ ang dalúnggan sang bátà, kay tinohógan. There was a gathering on the child's ear, because it was pierced. (see dágsang).